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Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: The AccuStart™ II Mouse Genotyping kit is designed for fast and easy preparation of PCR-ready DNA extracts and endpoint PCR analysis from tissues such as tail snips and ear punches commonly used for genotyping knockout and transgenic animals. The kit combines Extracta™ DNA Prep for PCR - Tissue with AccuStart™ II GelTrack™ PCR SuperMix in a single kit.
Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: Faster, longer, tougher next gen cDNA synthesis with flexible priming.

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Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: PerfeCTa® SYBR® Green SuperMix e FastMix™ consentono una PCR quantitativa efficiente, sensibile e precisa con tamponi proprietari e stabilizzatori SYBR® Green che massimizzano il segnale in fluorescenza, l'efficienza della PCR e la riduzione di dimeri di primer. Questi SuperMix e FastMix™ sono stati ottimizzati per tutti gli strumenti di PCR real time, inclusi quelli che richiedono la normalizzazione con colorante di riferimento ROX o fluoresceina.

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Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: PerfeCTa® qPCR FastMix® II is an advanced qPCR reagent system for both fast and conventional PCR cycling protocols or instruments. It is a versatile and robust solution that provides the ultimate sensitivity and high PCR efficiency using a variety of fluorogenic probe chemistries, including TaqMan® hydrolysis probes. PerfeCTa® qPCR FastMix® II is provided as a 2X concentrated ready to use reaction cocktail that contains all required reaction components, except primers, probe(s), and DNA template. The light blue colour of the AccuVue™ tracer dye simplifies reaction assembly in white, or clear, plates and helps to minimise pipetting or mixing errors. It does not interfere with qPCR performance or affect the stability of the product.
Codice catalogo: (733-2850)
Fornitore: Quantabio
Codice articolo fornitore: 95910-20
Codice articolo locale: QUNT95910-20
Descrizione: Provette e tappi per strumenti PCR Q (20 rack × 48 provette)
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: Superior speed and inhibitor tolerance.
Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: sparQ HiFi PCR Master Mix was specially designed for high efficiency library amplification from low DNA input. sparQ HiFi PCR Master Mix minimises the number of amplification cycles required to achieve the threshold required for sequencing. The result is a superior performing high fidelity master mix that increases library yield which reduces PCR-derived artifacts for a variety of sequencing applications.

Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: No compromises. Unparalleled performance meets sustainability.

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Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: Le miscele PerfeCTa® qPCR SuperMixes con concentrazione 2X sono assortimenti di reazioni pronte all'uso e contengono tutti i componenti necessari eccetto i primer, la sonda e il templato per qPCR.

Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: AccuStart™ II <i>Taq</i> DNA Polymerase is a high purity, recombinant <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase preparation with high avidity monoclonal antibodies that bind the polymerase and keep it inactive prior to the initial PCR denaturation step. Upon heat activation (1 minute at 94 °C), the antibodies denature irreversibly, releasing fully active, unmodified <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase. This enables specific and efficient primer extension with the convenience of room temperature reaction assembly. Non-specific extension of primers at low temperatures is a common cause of artifacts and poor sensitivity in PCR. The AccuStart™ II automatic hot-start enables specific and efficient primer extension in the PCR process with the added convenience of room temperature reaction assembly. The included 10X PCR Buffer II is a new optimised buffer that provides higher product yield, improved specificity, and enhanced multiplexing capability.
Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: The Extracta™ DNA prep for PCR - tissue consists of a two component reagent kit for rapid and efficient extraction of PCR-ready genomic DNA from mammalian tissues. The kit has been demonstrated to work with mouse tail biopsies, ear punches and a variety of human tissue samples including hair, buccal cells and saliva.
Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: I kit qScript™ cDNA Synthesis contengono qScript™ Reverse Transcriptase, una miscela di MMLV ingegnerizzata e proteina per l'inibizione della ribonucleasi, ottimizzata per una sintesi di cDNA sensibile e affidabile. I reagenti per la sintesi di cDNA sono forniti in diversi formati supermix e in kit per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche delle singole applicazioni.
Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: Il termociclatore Q per qPCR utilizza una tecnologia d’induzione magnetica brevettata per riscaldare rapidamente i campioni, accoppiata ad un sistema di raffreddamento ad aria forzata per acquisire dati in soli 25 minuti. Il robusto sistema ottico permette l’acquisizione di tutti e quattro i canali disponibili in contemporanea e consente di eseguire i test multiplex più velocemente.

Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: sparQ Universal Library Quant Kit provides rapid and accurate quantification of libraries prepared for sequencing on Illumina® NGS platforms.

Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: AccuStart™ II PCR ToughMix® is a 2X concentrated ready to use reaction cocktail for PCR amplification of DNA templates that overcomes many known inhibitors of PCR often present in crude samples extracted from environmental specimens, plant tissues, or animal tissues. It contains all components, except primers and template.

Fornitore: Quantabio
Descrizione: Ultra-Plex™ 1-Step ToughMix® is a ready-to-use, 4X-concentrated master mix for reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) of RNA templates using hybridisation probe detection chemistries such as TaqMan® 5’-hydrolysis probes on Real-Time PCR systems that utilise ROX passive reference with 490 nM excitation. First-strand cDNA synthesis and PCR amplification are carried out in the same tube without opening between procedures. It is ideal for highly sensitive quantification of RNA viruses or low abundance RNA targets in uni- or multiplexed RT-qPCR applications as well as high throughput gene-expression studies. The system has been optimised to deliver maximum RT-qPCR efficiency, sensitivity, and specificity in reduced reaction volumes and fast cycle times. Ultra-Plex™ 1-Step ToughMix® contains all required components for RT-qPCR except RNA template and probe. It is compatible with all dual-labeled probe chemistries.
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