
Hai cercato: Pompe da vuoto a membrana

These compact diaphragm vacuum pumps offer high-performance for single and multiple filtrations, solid phrase extraction, and other fluid movement tasks. Space-saving designs make these products convenient to place and therefore quick to operate. With a whisper-quiet operation and low operation, the diaphragm vacuum pumps will not interfere with work. The robust manufacturing has excellent corrosion resistance against chemicals routinely employed in biology and chemistry lab applications.

These compact diaphragm vacuum pumps offer high-performance for single and multiple filtrations, solid phrase extraction, and other fluid movement tasks. Space-saving designs make these products convenient to place and therefore quick to operate. With a whisper-quiet operation and low operation, the diaphragm vacuum pumps will not interfere with work. The robust manufacturing has excellent corrosion resistance against chemicals routinely employed in biology and chemistry lab applications.

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Codice catalogo: (MILFSD1P014M04)
Fornitore: Merck
Codice articolo fornitore: SD1P014M04
Codice articolo locale: MILFSD1P014M04
Descrizione: Millivac™ Maxi vacuum pumps are compact, maintenance-free pumps that provide a consistent source of vacuum for filtration and other laborabory applications. A patented diaphragm design has reduced the footprint of the pumps compared to conventional models.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (KNFAN938.50KT.18)
Fornitore: KNF
Codice articolo fornitore: N938.50KT.18
Codice articolo locale: KNFAN938.50KT.18
Descrizione: This diaphragm pumps is double-head, dry-running devices used in a wide range of laboratory applications.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

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Descrizione: These chemistry vacuum systems can be used in a wide range of applications for evacuating or moving gases and vapours between containers in chemistry and physics laboratories, e.g. as an alternative to water jet pumps and rotary vane pumps. Compact construction, very quiet running, long service life; diaphragm and valves are very easy to replace. Oil-free vacuum.

Descrizione: Questi sistemi a vuoto serie chimica trovano impiego in un'ampia gamma di applicazioni per la generazione del vuoto o il trasferimento di gas e vapori tra contenitori in laboratori di chimica e fisica, ad esempio come alternativa alle pompe a getto d'acqua e alle pompe rotative a olio. Struttura compatta, estrema silenziosità. Lunga durata, facile sostituzione di membrana e valvole. Vuoto senza olio.

Fornitore: Welch by Gardner Denver
Descrizione: These non-chemical-resistant diaphragm pumps characterized by a compact design, long lifespan and oil-free evacuation are designed for aqueous and standard duty applications. The diaphragm series are well known for smooth operation. They are available in one or multistage configuration with controlled (ecoflex) or uncontrolled pumping speed. Ecoflex diaphragm pumps are equipped with a state-of-the-art vacuum control which allows the pumping speed to be varied.

Descrizione: The VACUU·SELECT controller simplifies your work and allows VARIO select chemistry diaphragm pumps to deliver unparalleled precision. The pumps run whisper quiet and respond to demand in real time by matching pumping speed to process conditions. The intuitive VACUU·SELECT controller includes predefined applications for all common vacuum processes.

Codice catalogo: (VACU25743150)
Codice articolo fornitore: 25743150
Codice articolo locale: VACU25743150
Descrizione: Diaphragm pumps from VACUUBRAND for non-corrosive media are available in the basic version and variants with VARIO® control. Important benefits include oil-free and whisper quiet operation, low maintenance requirements, and extended service life.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Descrizione: Chemistry diaphragm pumps of the NT design are an excellent solution for continuous, oil-free pumping of corrosive gases and vapors. The one-stage construction provides the advantageous combination of high pumping speed and low ultimate vacuum down to 70 mbar. All major parts in contact with pumped media are made of chemically resistant fluoroplastics. Well-proven PTFE sandwich diaphragms for increased reliability and extended operating life. The eight cylinders pump ME 16C NT provides a particularly high performance together with a compact design. Upgraded with an outlet exhaust vapor condenser (EK) the ME 16C NT +EK provides an environmental friendly system with efficient solvent recovery. Eight-cylinder NT pumps feature quiet operation, smooth and easy to clean surfaces.

Codice catalogo: (VACU20744300)
Codice articolo fornitore: 20744300
Codice articolo locale: VACU20744300
Descrizione: This four-stage chemistry-design diaphragm pump is an excellent solution for continuous, oil-free pumping of corrosive gases and vapors and meet highest requirements. The four-stage design of the eight-cylinder pump MV 10C NT provides the advantageous combination of high pumping speed and very low ultimate vacuum of 0,9 mbar in a very compact design. All internal parts in contact with pumped media are made of chemically resistant fluoroplastics. Well-proven PTFE sandwich diaphragms increase reliability and extend operating life.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Descrizione: La filtrazione sotto vuoto è una delle applicazioni più comuni utilizzate per la preparazione dei campioni in chimica, microbiologia, controllo delle acque reflue e in altri processi di analisi. Le pompe a membrana compatte VP 100 e VP 100 C assicurano prestazioni elevate e facilità d'uso e rappresentano la soluzione ideale per filtrazioni singole e multiple.

Codice catalogo: (VACU20744800)
Codice articolo fornitore: 20744800
Codice articolo locale: VACU20744800
Descrizione: These VARIO® pumps and pumping units feature a very high pumping speed and attain an outstanding ultimate vacuum. They provide precise vacuum control by adjusting the diaphragm pump's motor speed. The controller provides fully automatic evaporations without any need of parameter input. The pump design offers exceptionally high chemical resistance supporting almost universal usage in chemistry and pharmaceutics The inlet separator (AK) retains particles and liquid droplets, the waste vapor condenser at the outlet (EK) is highly efficient and compact. The condenser enables near 100-percent solvent recovery, efficient recycling, and active protection of the environment.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (VACU20741800)
Codice articolo fornitore: 20741800
Codice articolo locale: VACU20741800
Descrizione: These VARIO® pumping units provide precise vacuum control by adjusting the diaphragm pump's motor speed. They feature fully automatic evaporation control at the push of a button. The PC 3016 NT VARIO pumping unit is a proven concept for evaporations with large amounts of solvents. The inlet separator (AK) retains particles and liquid droplets, the waste vapor condenser at the outlet (EK) is highly efficient and compact. The condenser enables near 100-percent solvent recovery, efficient recycling and active protection of the environment. Eight-cylinder NT pumps features quiet operation with smooth, easy-to-clean surfaces.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (VACU25741750)
Codice articolo fornitore: 25741750
Codice articolo locale: VACU25741750
Descrizione: Chemistry diaphragm pumps from VACUUBRAND for aggressive gases and vapors are available in the basic version, with two-point or VARIO® control. Their construction with fluoropolymers makes them very resistant to chemical vapors from inlet to exhaust.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Descrizione: The three-stage VARIO-SP® diaphragm pumps, with its variable speed drive system, attains significantly higher pumping speed and a better ultimate vacuum than the corresponding fixed speed pump. The brushless motor (maintenance-free) enables easy integration of the pump into other equipment, and operation independent of line voltage. The motor speed is either fixed or can be adjusted externally via electronic control signals for adaptation to process requirements.

Descrizione: This VARIO® chemistry pumping unit optimizes vacuum conditions automatically by precisely and continuously adjusting the diaphragm pump´s motor speed. Thanks to the motor speed control the pump operates only when vacuum is needed, saving energy and reducing maintenance.

Codice catalogo: (181-0580)
Fornitore: Welch by Gardner Denver
Codice articolo fornitore: 124184
Codice articolo locale: ILMV124184
Descrizione: The perfect partner for your rotovap. Faster, better quality distillation and solvent concentration.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

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