Hai cercato: Scale+e+sgabelli
133 risultati sono stati trovati
Sampling Solutions
Sampling Solutions Exact Volume Sampling Solutionss New aseptic and accurate sampling solutions from Avantor designed for your high value critical samples are flexible and scalable while reducing contamination risk. What fluid handling solution ca...
Considerations for Three-Dimensional Cell Culture when using the Corning® Spheroid Microplate Guidelines for Use There has been a growing interest in three dimensional (3D) cell culture with more data showing drastic differences in cell behavior a...
Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs) Products for Manufacturing
Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs) Products for Immunotherapy Treatment Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are the largest sector in the biologics market based on revenues and drug pipelines. The clinical benefit of mAbs has been demonstrated in the treatment...
Bottle Assemblies
Bottle Assemblies Store transfer and sample safely Sterilize bottle assemblies reduce risk of contamination throughout your bioprocess. Contact Us Avantor’s standard and custom bottle assemblies are designed with the quality and integrity of your ...
Assistenza tecnica Avantor®
Assistenza tecnica Avantor® Disponibilità di cromatografi esperti dedicati a tempo pieno con risposte rapide Contattaci per informazioni su qualsiasi aspetto della cromatografia RPLC NPLC SFC GC SPE TLC Flash CE LC-MS e GC-MS Database da 10.000 no...
Science Delivered
Science Delivered SCIENZA A PORTATA DI MANO Dalla scoperta scientifica allo scale-up fino alla consegna finale Avantor® offre prodotti servizi e soluzioni su scala globale cruciali per la tua mission. Avantor consente l’innovazione in ogni fase de...
Bottiglie da laboratorio DURAN®
Bottiglie da laboratorio DURAN® Il processo evolutivo di DURAN® è come tutti gli altri caratterizzato da diversificazione e ramificazione. Al suo centro vi è la bottiglia da laboratorio originale GL 45 realizzata in vetro borosilicato 3.3 con scal...
From Cell to Therapy
From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow From Research to Production A deep understanding of pathological and therapeutic mechanisms at a cellular and molecular level is key for the discovery and use of drugs. By providing solutions...
J.T.Baker® Viral Inactivation Solution
J.T.Baker® Viral Inactivation Solution Viral Inactivation with high purity and quality Improve viral inactivation efficiency and minimize introduction of protein and process related impurities with J.T.Baker® Viral Inactivation Solution. This biod...
AP A9019 qPCR Mycoplasma Test Kit
1 qPCR Mycoplasma Test Kit Real time/qPCR test kit for mycoplasma detection Product code A9019___________________________________________________________________________ j Description The Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit is based on a 5-Nuclease probe...
Guida alla selezione dei flussimetri: tipi per applicazione
Flussimetri: quale tipo funziona meglio per la tua applicazione? What Flowmeter Will Work Best for Your Application? From single-use to magnetic to variable-area to Coriolis the options in flowmeters are plentiful. Yet there are distinct differenc...
Cell Therapy Products, Workflow & Research Services
Cell Therapy Products Workflow & Research Services Cell therapies encompass several approaches that require the manipulation of donor tissue both autologous and allogeneic to obtain desired cells and tissues. These cells and tissues are then used ...
Campionatori monouso : per gli standard di campionamento più elevati
Campionatori monouso : per gli standard di campionamento più elevati Pulire i campionatori è un compito impegnativo che richiede molto tempo in particolare se il materiale è grasso fortemente adesivo o tossico. Il monouso è la soluzione Lance di c...
Chromatography Mini Symposium
Chromatography Mini Symposium Webinar Tuesday 2nd November 2021 14:00 to 16:30 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance We are happy to invite you to join us as we present the latest in ou...
Different Perspectives and Strategies for Liquid Chromatography Peak Capacity Optimization and Method Development
Different Perspectives and Strategies for Liquid Chromatography Peak Capacity Optimization and Method Development Webinar Thursday 21st March 2024 15:00 - 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Register Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificat...
Building Blocks, sostanze fluorochimiche e reagenti di sintesi - Apollo Scientific
Building Blocks sostanze fluorochimiche e reagenti di sintesi - Apollo Scientific Apollo Scientific è un’azienda specializzata nella produzione e nella fornitura di composti aromatici eterociclici e alifatici sostanze fluorochimiche e reagenti per...
97 - 112 of 133