
Hai cercato: Incubatori CO₂

CO2 incubators are designed to maintain adequate interior moisture to prevent the drying out of cultures. Since desiccation results in sample loss, the conditions within the chambers can be easily modified and controlled. Most small to mid-sized incubators use humidity pans to produce humidity through evaporation, creating the high humidity levels that encourage culture growth. The CO2 incubators guarantee that the stored specimen remain viable for testing applications.

CO2 incubators are designed to maintain adequate interior moisture to prevent the drying out of cultures. Since desiccation results in sample loss, the conditions within the chambers can be easily modified and controlled. Most small to mid-sized incubators use humidity pans to produce humidity through evaporation, creating the high humidity levels that encourage culture growth. The CO2 incubators guarantee that the stored specimen remain viable for testing applications.

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Fornitore: VWR Collection
Descrizione: The ILCO 180 Premium offers optimal growth conditions for cell cultures and meets demanding requirements for best possible cell growth and maximum sample safety. This CO₂ incubator comes with a built-in, drift-free infrared CO₂ sensor that can be sterilised. Reliable decontamination is provided by the standard-compliant 180 °C hot air sterilisation routine which completely eliminates contaminants and ensures the inner chamber is completely sterilised. This model has an intuitive menu and user friendly software, also USB port for data download to USB stick and for uploading programs. It can be connected to Ethernet or Wi-Fi networks for remote control from any computer, and users can receive notifications about alarms/events via e-mail.

Fornitore: Binder
Descrizione: The CBF series CO₂ incubators are the premium series of CO₂ incubators with humidity control. Units are suitable for all sensitive incubation applications and ensure optimal cell growth in GMP environments. A CBF series CO₂ incubator can be used for complex cultivation experiments or individual environments with hypoxic conditions thanks to the comprehensive range of options and accessories. Units ensure consistent results including in cell-based assays with multiwell plates.

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Fornitore: Binder
Descrizione: CO₂ incubators with a built in CO₂ sensor which can be sterilised. Units offer optimum growth conditions for cell cultures and meet demanding requirements for best possible cell growth and maximum sample safety. The ANTI.PLENUM design minimises surfaces due to the seamless, deep-drawn inner chamber without fixtures and featuring an integrated shelf support system. This reduces the risk of contamination, giving less surface area and fewer parts to clean manually, and removes the running costs of consumables. Reliable decontamination is provided by the standard-compliant 180 °C hot air sterilisation routine which completely eliminates contaminants and ensures the inner chamber is completely sterilised.

Fornitore: Binder
Descrizione: The durable and affordable CB-S series incubators are suitable for routine cell cultivation applications in the field of cell production, particularly in academic settings. They are contamination proof due to the 180 °C hot air sterilisation cycle and reliably pH stable thanks to drift-free infrared CO₂ measurements conducted in real time.

Fornitore: MEMMERT
Descrizione: The ICOmed series of CO₂ incubators has seamlessly welded, corrosion-resistant stainless steel chambers with rounded edges and no further installations, ensuring easy and thorough cleaning. Models have TwinDISPLAY with a USB port for uploading programs, reading out logs or protecting appliances via the user ID function, and an Ethernet interface as well as a data logger with a ten year storage capacity. All parameters can be set directly in the ControlCOCKPIT or the AtmoCONTROL software, which uses drag and drop symbols to input values. Battery-buffered ControlCOCKPIT (optional): Operating display, logging and CO₂ control are fully functional even during a power failure.

Fornitore: Thermo Scientific
Descrizione: Heracell Vios CR cleanroom compatible CO₂ incubators are third party-certified, suitable for use in ISO Class 5 and GMP Grade A/B environments.

Codice catalogo: (390-0456)
Fornitore: Thermo Scientific
Codice articolo fornitore: 3404
Codice articolo locale: HERA3404
Descrizione: L'incubatore a CO₂ Midi 40 è stato appositamente progettato per utenti che richiedono uno è uno strumento compatto, ideale per i laboratori con poco spazio a disposizione e soggetti a ridotti carichi di lavoro. L'unità offre le stesse prestazioni e caratteristiche degli incubatori di formato normale e rappresenta la soluzione ideale per un uso personale ed evitare ambienti condivisi che presentano potenziali rischi di contaminazione dovuta a frequente apertura della porta.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: Thermo Scientific
Descrizione: Gli incubatori CO₂ serie HERAcell® i offrono condizioni di crescita stabili e accuratamente monitorate, per un'impareggiabile protezione dalla contaminazione di colture di tessuti e cellule di valore. I tempi di recupero di temperatura e CO₂ estremamente ridotti migliorano la crescita cellulare. Le unità sono disponibili in due formati pratici e con due design della camera interna, in acciaio inox anticorrosione o in 100% rame pieno antimicrobico (per prevenire in modo verificabile la proliferazione batterica e fungina con metodi naturali). I modelli sono forniti di serie con sensori di conducibilità termica (TC) di alta qualità.


Fornitore: Thermo Scientific
Descrizione: These CO₂ incubators embody an innovative generation of equipment offering optimum protection from contaminants. They guarantee optimum repeatability of results. Thanks to their outstanding performance features the BBD 6220 and the Cytoperm®2 are predestined for all sectors making stringent demands on protection, safety and quality of work: in microbiological laboratories and with in vitro fertilisation as well as in cancer research or tissue engineering. Each incubator is characterised by reliability, safety and practical application characteristics complying with highest levels of quality.

Codice catalogo: (390-1588)
Fornitore: DWK Life Sciences
Codice articolo fornitore: WI057608-C-E
Codice articolo locale: WHEAWI057608-C-E
Descrizione: Gli incubatori CO₂ WHEATON® dotati di sensore CO₂ IR sono ideali per le colture cellulari quotidiane e sono progettati per essere utilizzati con gli agitatori a rulli WHEATON®.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: Thermo Scientific
Descrizione: La serie Heracell™ VIOS è stata progettata per colture sensibili come cellule staminali e primarie in applicazioni farmaceutiche, cliniche e di ricerca di alto livello. Le unità sono disponibili con interni in acciaio inox a lucidatura elettrolitica o in rame puro al 100% e dispongono di ripiani perforati regolabili, angoli facili da pulire con comoda porta di accesso e sportello esterno reversibile per una maggiore flessibilità.


Codice catalogo: (HERA381TF)
Fornitore: Thermo Scientific
Codice articolo fornitore: 381TF
Codice articolo locale: HERA381TF
Descrizione: CO₂ incubators offer precise direct-heat temperature control with choice of TC (thermal conductivity) or IR (infrared) sensor and convenient high-temperature decontamination cycle.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

New Product

Fornitore: MEMMERT
Descrizione: The ICO series of CO₂ incubators has seamlessly welded, corrosion-resistant stainless steel chambers with rounded edges and no further installations, ensuring easy and thorough cleaning. Models have TwinDISPLAY with a USB port for uploading programs, reading out logs or protecting appliances via the user ID function, and an Ethernet interface as well as a data logger with a 10 year storage capacity. All parameters can be set directly in the ControlCOCKPIT or the AtmoCONTROL software, which uses drag and drop symbols to input values. Battery-buffered ControlCOCKPIT (optional): Operating display, logging and CO₂ control are fully functional even during a power failure.

Codice catalogo: (HERA3120)
Fornitore: Thermo Scientific
Codice articolo fornitore: 3120
Codice articolo locale: HERA3120
Descrizione: Thermo Scientific™ Forma™ Series II Water-Jacketed CO2 Incubators provide precise CO₂ control, unsurpassed temperature stability and superior parameter recovery characteristics, with continuous contamination control technology. They provide an environment for the growth of microbiological samples or mammalian cells for research (FDA Class 1), and IVF and other regulated cell therapy applications (FDA Class 2).
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

New Product

Fornitore: PHC Corporation
Descrizione: Questi incubatori sono realizzati per applicazioni in campo biomedico, farmaceutico, ricerca e laboratori clinici. Offrono alte prestazioni, controllo della contaminazione e rappresentano la soluzione ideale per protocolli di coltura cellulare. Il sistema brevettato SafeCell ™ UV tratta il flusso d'aria all'interno della camera per eliminare le contaminazioni interne e le superfici interne inCu saFe in acciaio inox e rame garantiscono una costante azione germicida. Quando è necessario il controllo della totale decontaminazione della camera, la decontaminazione con H₂O₂ rappresenta la soluzione ottimale, limitando il tempo di inutilizzo a tre ore.

Codice catalogo: (390-0447)
Fornitore: PHC Corporation
Codice articolo fornitore: MCO-80IC
Codice articolo locale: SANYMCO-80IC
Descrizione: These units are designed for critical applications in pharmaceutical, biotechnology and clinical investigation. They can be used for culturing high volumes of patient samples, performing short-term studies, and working with large volume cell culture apparatus. The InCu saFe® copper-enriched stainless steel interior surfaces assure constant germicidal protection. The cross-shelf horizontal air flow system promotes optimum temperature uniformity throughout the incubator and contributes to rapid recovery after door openings.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

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