Balance Calibration and Balance Service with ISO17025 Accreditation

Brand indendent balance calibration and preventative maintenance
According the different guidelines, regulations and quality systems a laboratory balance should be checked and calibrated regurlarly. VWR offers you a dedicated balance calibration and balance service for this. Independent on brand or model we can offer you calibration and preventative maintenance. Also for most brands we are able to solve break down repairs by our certified technicians. We can offer our calibration service for very attractive pricing as we are able to combine all brands and all models, or even combine it with our pipette calibration service.
Our highly experience team of technicians are trained on servicing next brands: Mettler, Sartorius, Ohaus, Kern, Acculab and others
Your advantages by using our balance service
- Traceability to (inter-) national standard
- Validated calibration procedures
- Proven technical competence of certified technicians
- Due time reminder system, which protect your due times
- Traceable calibration certificate
- Known measurement uncertainty
- Genuine spare parts
During our calibration-procedure we will, after we performed preventative maintenance and cleaning, check linearity, repeatibility and external weighing and check this against the manufacturer specifications. In case the calibration-results are not meeting the specifications we will do an adjustment or repair of your balance. In all cases you receive a traceable calibration-certificate with individual calibration-results and a calibration-sticker, with calibration date and recalibration date. As we will register your balance in our due-time reminder system we will protect the calibration-status and due time by sending you a mail before the calibration due time is exceeded.