
Hai cercato: Supplementi ed additivi per colture cellulari

The tissue culture media supplements and additives compensate for characteristics the base medium lacks in providing maximum cell growth conditions. Incorporating the substances during development brings stability to the cultivated cell environments for maximum activity control. The stabilizing liquids added will support cell productivity, isolation, and microorganism identification. With a variety of tissue culture supplements and additives concentrations offered, a substance possessing the correct compatibility even with sensitive mediums is guaranteed.

The tissue culture media supplements and additives compensate for characteristics the base medium lacks in providing maximum cell growth conditions. Incorporating the substances during development brings stability to the cultivated cell environments for maximum activity control. The stabilizing liquids added will support cell productivity, isolation, and microorganism identification. With a variety of tissue culture supplements and additives concentrations offered, a substance possessing the correct compatibility even with sensitive mediums is guaranteed.

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Codice catalogo: (536252S)
Fornitore: VWR Chemicals
Codice articolo locale: VWRC536252S
Descrizione: Egg yolk tellurite emulsion, VWR®
UOM: 1 * 50 mL

Fornitore: VWR Chemicals
Descrizione: Contiene una miscela di inibitori della proteasi: AEBSF, Aprotinina, E 64, Bestatina e Leupeptina. Ogni fiala può essere ricostituita in 1 ml di acqua deionizzata per preparare 100X di soluzione.

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Fornitore: VWR Chemicals
Descrizione: Parte idrosolubile di lievito autolisato contenente una fonte di complesso di vitamina B.
Codice catalogo: (M250-1ML)
Fornitore: VWR Chemicals
Codice articolo locale: VWRCM250-1ML
Descrizione: Contains protease inhibitors for mammalian cell use: AEBSF, Aprotinin, E-64, Bestatin, Leupeptin and Pepstatin
UOM: 1 * 1 mL


Fornitore: Biowest
Descrizione: L-glutamine is an essential amino acid required by virtually all mammalian and insect cells grown in culture. It is a crucial component of many cell culture media and serves as a major energy source for cells in culture. L-glutamine is very stable as a dry powder and as a frozen solution. However, in liquid media or stock solutions, L-glutamine can degrade relatively rapidly. L-glutamine is also more labile in cell culture solution than other amino acids.
Descrizione: Serum replacement with similar properties to TCM™ but contains additional components for cell types that have required higher concentrations of serum (typically more than 10%). TM-235™ is defined and multi-purpose. Contains highly purified, heat-treated bovine serum albumin, heat-treated bovine transferrin and recombinant insulin.

Codice catalogo: (733-1948)
Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Codice articolo fornitore: 786-332
Codice articolo locale: GENO786-332
Descrizione: A broad range, 100X concentrated, ready-to-use protease inhibitor cocktail, Plant ProteaseArrest™ inhibits plant serine, cysteine and other plant specific proteases including aminopeptidases, aspartic and metalloproteases.
UOM: 1 * 1 mL

Codice catalogo: (733-1945)
Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Codice articolo fornitore: 786-108F
Codice articolo locale: GENO786-108F
Descrizione: A ready to use, 100X concentrated, broad range protease inhibitor cocktail that is fully compatible with 2D electrophoresis and subsequent mass spectrometry.
UOM: 1 * 1 mL


Codice catalogo: (786-207)
Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Codice articolo fornitore: 786-207
Codice articolo locale: GENO786-207
Descrizione: Protease inhibitor set contains 12 ready to use individual protease inhibitors, each at a 100X concentration. Various concentrations and/or combinations of protease inhibitors may be used to inhibit a broad spectrum of protease activity. The Protease inhibitor set can be used to design specific protease inhibitor cocktails, supplement existing cocktails or to screen for specific protease classes.
UOM: 1 * 1 SET

Fornitore: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Descrizione: HyClone™ L-glutamine is used as a supplement in serum- and protein-free media. It supports the growth of cells that have high energy demands and synthesise large amounts of proteins and nucleic acids.

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: The PhosphataseArrest™ phosphatase inhibitor cocktails are ready to use 100X solutions that are simply added to either extraction buffers or samples.

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: Protease-PhosphataseArrest™ provides full protection of protein samples from proteases and phosphatases released during the preparation of cell and tissue lysates. Protease-PhosphataseArrest™ contains both irreversible and reversible protease inhibitors to inhibit serine, cysteine and other proteases along with five phosphatase inhibitors that target all the phosphatase categories: serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) specific, tyrosine specific and dual specificity phosphatases.

Fornitore: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Descrizione: With HyrTryp™ cell dissociation reagent, an animal-derived component-free (ADCF) recombinant alternative to porcine trypsin, you can dissociate and harvest cells with confidence. Simply substitute it in your existing protocol.

Fornitore: MP Biomedicals
Descrizione: M9 Minimal medium salts are suitable for the preparation of M9 Minimal Medium for use in propagation of<i> E.coli</i> and plasmid amplification.

Descrizione: Natural products are an unsurpassed source of chemical diversity and an ideal starting point for any screening program for pharmacologically active small molecules. Historically, natural products have been the most successful source of new drugs. The Screen-Well® natural product library offers over 500 isolated natural compounds of known structure and includes many compounds from ethnopharmacology. Compounds are provided in solution in DMSO. Individual compounds or subsets can be resupplied in gram quantities.

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Fornitore: VWR Chemicals
Descrizione: VWR® Trypsin-EDTA solutions are used in cell culture to remove adherent cells from a culture surface. Trypsin is a porcine pancreas-derived enzyme that is commonly used for the dissociation and disaggregation of anchorage-dependent mammalian cells and tissues. The concentration of trypsin necessary to separate cells from their substrate is dependent primarily on the cell type and the age of the culture. EDTA, a chelating agent, enhances enzymatic activity by removing calcium and magnesium ions. These ions obscure the peptide bonds on which trypsin acts as well as enhancing cell to cell adhesion.
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