
Hai cercato: Spazzoloni

Regardless of where the mess is located, mops and squeegees efficiently reestablish spotless and safe work spaces. Choose between foam and the traditional microfiber yarn strand designs for high liquid absorption to maintain critical aseptic environments. Ergonomic pole handles on dry and wet mops allow easy manipulation for even the hard to reach areas. Designed for heavy duty or routine use, mop heads can easily be cleaned in between uses or replaced for convenience. VWR offers various lightweight steam mops that are easy to manuever and spray mops that are perfect for laboratory floor cleaning. Microfibers are best suited for dry and wet mopping for glass and high gloss surfaces making them streak free. The microfiber strands effectively remove tiny dirt particles which are often ignored by other mops. Our brushes section has a wide selection of countertop dusting brushes and floor scrub brushes for deeper cleaning requirements which you may not find in a local store.

Regardless of where the mess is located, mops and squeegees efficiently reestablish spotless and safe work spaces. Choose between foam and the traditional microfiber yarn strand designs for high liquid absorption to maintain critical aseptic environments. Ergonomic pole handles on dry and wet mops allow easy manipulation for even the hard to reach areas. Designed for heavy duty or routine use, mop heads can easily be cleaned in between uses or replaced for convenience. VWR offers various lightweight steam mops that are easy to manuever and spray mops that are perfect for laboratory floor cleaning. Microfibers are best suited for dry and wet mopping for glass and high gloss surfaces making them streak free. The microfiber strands effectively remove tiny dirt particles which are often ignored by other mops. Our brushes section has a wide selection of countertop dusting brushes and floor scrub brushes for deeper cleaning requirements which you may not find in a local store.

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Codice catalogo: (129-0220)
Fornitore: Texwipe
Codice articolo fornitore: TX7106
Codice articolo locale: TEXWTX7106
Descrizione: Scopa a frange in poliestere con forma tubolare per la pulizia dei pavimenti. Il supporto permette una rapida sostituzione.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: For dusting and dry mopping large surface areas.

Environmentally Preferable

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Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: The tank tool is designed to efficiently clean chambers, tanks and pipes from above or below. The articulated head allows curved frame to hug the outer wall of the tank as it moves downward to remove residue or apply disinfectant. The unit has a degree of swivel to ensure good contact with the surface being cleaned.

Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: Clean vinyl strip curtains easily and efficiently with a simple 'tuning fork' style frame that grips the curtain at the top and slides down, effectively cleaning both sides at once. Designed for cleanroom use. Gamma irradiated covers available for aseptic areas.
Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: Per la pulizia rapida ed efficace di grandi superfici nella produzione di dischi di silicio, nell'industria elettronica, farmaceutica e biotecnologica. Tutte le scope a frange vengono fissate al manico in acciaio inossidabile tramite l'accoppiamento rapido arancione. Per ambienti poco critici è possibile impiegare anche il manico in fibra di vetro/PP con adattatore.

Environmentally Preferable

Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: Scopa a frange a basso contenuto di pelucchi idonea per l'industria farmaceutica e biotecnologica. La scopa a frange viene fissata direttamente al manico in fibra di vetro/PP oppure con l'adattatore al manico universale.

Environmentally Preferable

Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: A series of robust and absorbent tubular knit string mops for cleaning and liquid pick-up in controlled and critical environments. Available with a choice of durable, reusable fabrics.

Fornitore: Texwipe
Descrizione: Rivestimenti in poliestere/cellulosa legati ad con getto d'acqua per scopa a frange.
Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: Questo mop piatto, a forma di paletta è ideale per la pulizia dietro a mobili e apparecchiature di produzione pesanti, sopra a tubazioni o sotto ad apparecchiature calibrate. Mop largh.×h: 406×3 mm.

Environmentally Preferable

Codice catalogo: (129-0273)
Fornitore: Texwipe
Codice articolo fornitore: TX7101
Codice articolo locale: TEXWTX7101
Descrizione: The ITW Texwipe® Mini AlphaMop™ isolator cleaning tool is designed to clean isolators, biosafety cabinets, glove boxes and laminar flow hoods. The mop has a low, flat profile and rounded corners. It is made from Celcon® plastic and is totally autoclavable. The swivel joint allows the user to reach difficult-to-access areas. The replaceable foam pad ensures that the mop cover conforms to the surfaces being cleaned. 129-0273 includes two handles, 12 and 18'' (30,4 and 45,7 cm), and is easily used with one hand.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: A dual-plated mop, specially designed to clean the top and bottom of lyophiliser shelves with one pass. The adjustable, compression fit plates ensure even pressure and consistent contact for optimal sanitisation. Works well on any variety of equipment shelves spaced 3 to 6" apart.

New Product

Codice catalogo: (MICRMZDM62-14)
Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Codice articolo fornitore: MZDM62-14
Codice articolo locale: MICRMZDM62-14
Descrizione: Mops absorb detergent quickly and may be used on floors, walls, and ceilings without a bucket or wringer.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: A custom mop with dual, curved plates, designed specifically for 3" roller bottle incubators, to clean upper and lower rollers at the same time. Can also be used for small piping and other cylindrical cleanroom surfaces.

Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: A simple, effective mop system featuring sturdy, collapsible plates that easily slide into the quilted polyester mop cover for use in traditional 'dip and wring' methods, or as a 'saturation' method where liquid disposal and/or space-saving is a factor.

Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: A range of lightweight, snap-on flat head mop covers with urethane foam interiors, designed for effective cleaning and sanitising in the cleanroom. A variety of fabric options provide excellent absorbency, effective cleaning, and disinfectant dispersal for specialised cleaning.

Environmentally Preferable

Fornitore: MICRONOVA
Descrizione: The Isolator Tool™ adapter with a 360° swivel works with a range of mop covers to efficiently clean and disinfect isolators, hoods, RABS, and small equipment in clean and aseptic areas.

Environmentally Preferable

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