
Hai cercato: Setacciatori

Sieve shakers are used for fast, but precise separations of fine and coarse dry particles. The sieving action can be varied for different material densities and textures. Mixing methods vary from mechanical shakers that mimic hand-shaking sieves to sonic separation technology styles. Typical materials used for separation within sieve shakers include chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, foods, powdered metals, and detergents. Find sieve shakers powered by electromagnetics, with no motor or no moving parts. Fast and precise particle separation is possible with superior sieves that use precise digital timers and uniform action which also ensures dependable and comparable results.

Sieve shakers are used for fast, but precise separations of fine and coarse dry particles. The sieving action can be varied for different material densities and textures. Mixing methods vary from mechanical shakers that mimic hand-shaking sieves to sonic separation technology styles. Typical materials used for separation within sieve shakers include chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, foods, powdered metals, and detergents. Find sieve shakers powered by electromagnetics, with no motor or no moving parts. Fast and precise particle separation is possible with superior sieves that use precise digital timers and uniform action which also ensures dependable and comparable results.

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Codice catalogo: (HAVE210886531)
Codice articolo locale: HAVE210886531
Descrizione: High reproducibility and comparability.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

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Codice catalogo: (HAVE210036011)
Codice articolo locale: HAVE210036011
Descrizione: High reproducibility and comparability.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

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Descrizione: For dry sieving. Tyler Ro-Tap® shakers RX 29 CE and RX 30 CE reproduce the circular and tapping motion of hand sieving, but in a repeatable mechanical action. This sieve shaker makes a circular movement of the sieve stack and a mechanical arm makes a tapping movement on the top of the sieve stack, thus creating a perfect and repeatable imitation of hand shaking with additional tapping of the sieve on the side. They are operated in a totally enclosed cabinet, which guarantees the safety of the operator, and reduces the sound emissions significantly.

Descrizione: I modelli delle serie Setacciatori elettromagnetici per analisi sono ideali per l'analisi con azione setacciante tridimensionale ottimale. La funzione di autoregolazione dell'ampiezza, che sfrutta l'accelerazione fissa dell'intera torre di setacci, bilancia l'oscillazione della macchina e del suo supporto. Ciò assicura ampiezze costanti, indipendentemente dalla quantità di materiale caricato e dalla collocazione dello strumento.

Codice catalogo: (510-1379)
Fornitore: Retsch GmbH
Codice articolo fornitore: 30.027.0001
Codice articolo locale: RETS30.027.0001
Descrizione: The Retsch analytical air jet sieve shaker is particularly suitable for dispersion and deagglomeration of fine powders. Typical applications include construction materials, flour, spices, plastics and pharmaceuticals. The evaluation software EasySieve® can be used for automated evaluation and documentation.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Descrizione: La serie EML 200 comprende 3 diversi tipi di unità. Tutti i modelli sono adatti per setacci Ø 50 - 203 mm, con carico massimo del campione/lotto di 3 kg, e dotati di un corpo in alluminio pressofuso e di un sistema di fissaggio migliorato. Tutti i setacciatori sono dotati di coperchio con vetro di ispezione che consente di osservare i campioni durante setacciatura.

Descrizione: Per setacci per analisi di diametro fino a 400 mm o setacci quadrati fino a 500×500 mm. Setacciatore per analisi UWL 400 efficiente e per risultati eccellenti con quantità di materiale elevate. Crea un'azione setacciante tridimensionale ed è particolarmente adatto per prodotti a grana grossa. L'unità UWL 400 T è adatta per setacciatura a secco; l'unità UWL 400 N per setacciatura a umido e l'unità UWL 400 H per setacci per analisi quadrati con struttura in legno di faggio.

Codice catalogo: (510-0048)
Fornitore: Retsch GmbH
Codice articolo fornitore: 30.022.0001
Codice articolo locale: RETS30.022.0001
Descrizione: Con movimento rotatorio in senso orizzontale, per setacci con diametro di 100/150/200/203/305 e 400 mm.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (RETS30.026.0001)
Fornitore: Retsch GmbH
Codice articolo fornitore: 30.026.0001
Codice articolo locale: RETS30.026.0001
Descrizione: The analytical sieve shaker AS 450 control is used in research and development, quality control of raw materials, interim and finished products as well as in production monitoring. The controllable electromagnetic drive offers an optimal adaption for every product. Sharp fractions are obtainable even after very short
sieving times. It is suitable for dry and wet sieving.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: Retsch GmbH
Descrizione: Questi setacciatori per analisi Retsch vengono utilizzati nei settori di ricerca e sviluppo, controllo della qualità di materie prime, semilavorati e prodotti finiti e sono adatti per la setacciatura a secco e ad umido di polvere, materiale sfuso e sospensioni.

Fornitore: Retsch GmbH
Descrizione: Analytical sieve shaker AS 200 tap is used in research and development, quality control of raw materials, interim and finished products, as well as in production monitoring.

Fornitore: ENDECOTTS
Descrizione: Has been designed and manufactured to combine the advantages of low cost with the benefits of a well designed and engineered shaker incorporating many features usually found on larger more expensive machines.

Codice catalogo: (ENDEOCT200/23050)
Fornitore: ENDECOTTS
Codice articolo fornitore: OCT200/23050
Codice articolo locale: ENDEOCT200/23050
Descrizione: The Octagon 200 sieve shaker is suitable for sieving tasks both in the laboratory environment as well as onsite, where it provides optimum sieving action for fast and reproducible results. It is robust, compact and sufficiently lightweight to be portable and are suitable for both dry and wet sieving.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (510-4101)
Fornitore: FRITSCH
Codice articolo fornitore: 03.7020.00
Codice articolo locale: FRIT03.7020.00
Descrizione: The high performance Analysette®3 Pro vibratory sieve shaker offers fast determination of quantitative particle size distribution in the laboratory. In this shaking sieve system an electromagnetic drive oscillates the sieve stack into regulated vertical oscillations. Hence this can used as ideal solution for sieving sample quantities up to 2 kg and a measurement range from 5 μm to 63 mm.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (510-4102)
Fornitore: FRITSCH
Codice articolo fornitore: 03.8020.00
Codice articolo locale: FRIT03.8020.00
Descrizione: Analysette®3 spartanis a vibratory sieve shaker for all typical sieving tasks in the laboratory, with optical adjustment of the amplitude on the running instrument. The Analysette®3 spartan is also suitable for quantitative particle size analysis of solids and suspensions of all kinds through dry or wet sieving with woven test sieves. It is convertible into a micro mill for fine comminution of dry laboratory samples or solids in suspensions and for homogenisation of emulsions or pastes.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (FRIT18.3020.00)
Fornitore: FRITSCH
Codice articolo fornitore: 18.3020.00
Codice articolo locale: FRIT18.3020.00
Descrizione: The Analysette®18 heavy duty analytical sieve shaker was specially designed for large sieving quantities. It can effortlessly sieve up to 15 kg of material between 20 μm and 125 mm. This sieving unit is particularly suitable for particle size analysis and portioning of coarse-grained materials through dry sieving or wet sieving with conversion kit.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

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