
Hai cercato: Saggi cellulari

Cellular assays have always been a powerful tool in the research lab. They are incredibly versatile, and can be designed to measure virtually any cellular or biochemical function. Sensitive detection of fluorescent probes aid in evaluating cell signalling and death pathways, which is useful for the rapid quantification of cell viability. Cellular assays can be used to measure the effects of different treatments on cell viability and to evaluate toxic effects mediated through a variety of mechanisms.

Cellular assays have always been a powerful tool in the research lab. They are incredibly versatile, and can be designed to measure virtually any cellular or biochemical function. Sensitive detection of fluorescent probes aid in evaluating cell signalling and death pathways, which is useful for the rapid quantification of cell viability. Cellular assays can be used to measure the effects of different treatments on cell viability and to evaluate toxic effects mediated through a variety of mechanisms.

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Codice catalogo: (GAHK20-1KT)
Fornitore: Merck
Codice articolo fornitore: GAHK20-1KT
Codice articolo locale: SUPLGAHK20-1KT
Descrizione: The Glucose (HK) Assay Kit is for the quantitative, enzymatic determination of glucose in food and other material.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: Biotium
Descrizione: CF® dye labeled dextrans could be used as a fluorescent fluid-phase markers to study cell permeability, endocytosis, or mechanisms of biomolecular delivery. The dextran is 70,000 MW, and contains a formaldehyde-fixable free-amine group.

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Codice catalogo: (CAYM10007889-96)
Fornitore: Cayman Chemical
Codice articolo fornitore: 10007889-96
Codice articolo locale: CAYM10007889-96
Descrizione: NF-κB (p65) Transcription Factor Assay Kit is a 96-well assay for measurement of NF-κB (p65).
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Fornitore: Cayman Chemical
Descrizione: For measurement of LDH activity as an indicator of cell death.

Fornitore: Biotium
Descrizione: Firefly luciferase is widely used as a transcriptional reporter gene for research and drug screening. The Steady-Luc™ HTS kit can be used with luminescence plate readers without sample injection systems or for high-throughput screening.

Codice catalogo: (MLDVR8346)
Fornitore: Molecular Devices
Codice articolo fornitore: R8346
Codice articolo locale: MLDVR8346
Descrizione: EarlyTox™ Cell Viability Assay Kits are a family of fluorescence-based reagents for the assessment of cell viability, cell proliferation, and various apoptosis events using mammalian cells. Optimised for use with microplate readers, these assay kits employ a no-wash, homogeneous assay protocol that enables characterisation of a full concentration-response profile of test compounds.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Fornitore: Molecular Devices
Descrizione: The Neurotransmitter Transporter Uptake Assay Kit provides a fast, simple and reliable fluorescence-based assay for the detection of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin transporter (SERT, NET and DAT, respectively) activity in expressing cells.

Fornitore: Biotium
Descrizione: CF® dye labeled dextrans could be used as a fluorescent fluid-phase markers to study cell permeability, endocytosis, or mechanisms of biomolecular delivery. The dextran is 250,000 MW, and contains a formaldehyde-fixable free-amine group.

Fornitore: Biotium
Descrizione: Stain microtubules in live cells with green fluorescence.

Fornitore: Molecular Devices
Descrizione: QBT™ Fatty Acid Uptake Assay Kit is a homogeneous assay amenable to high-throughput screening. The kits deliver pre-optimized, fluorescence-based formulations to expedite assay development and screening of fatty acid transporters.

Fornitore: Biotium
Descrizione: CF® dye labeled dextrans could be used as a fluorescent fluid-phase markers to study cell permeability, endocytosis, or mechanisms of biomolecular delivery. The dextran is 10000 MW, and contains a formaldehyde-fixable free-amine group.

Descrizione: MITO-ID® membrane potential detection kit monitors energetic status using a simple mix-and-read, no-wash protocol. It measures mitochondrial membrane potential with a cationic dye that fluoresces either green or orange depending upon membrane potential status.

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Codice catalogo: (ENZOENZ51006500)
Codice articolo fornitore: ENZ51006500
Codice articolo locale: ENZOENZ51006500
Descrizione: The kit contains two proprietary dyes suitable for visualizing nucleoli and nuclei simultaneously in living cells.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

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Codice catalogo: (ENZOENZ51026K500)
Codice articolo fornitore: ENZ51026K500
Codice articolo locale: ENZOENZ51026K500
Descrizione: ER-ID® Red assay kit (GFP-CERTIFIED®) contains an endoplasmic reticulum-selective dye suitable for live cell, or detergent-permeabilized aldehyde-fixed cell staining.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

New Product

Fornitore: Molecular Devices
Descrizione: EarlyTox™ Cell Viability Assay Kits are a family of fluorescence-based reagents for the assessment of cell viability, cell proliferation, and various apoptosis events using mammalian cells. Optimised for use with microplate readers, these assay kits employ a no-wash, homogeneous assay protocol that enables characterisation of a full concentration-response profile of test compounds.

Fornitore: Biotium
Descrizione: Apoptosis and necrosis are two processes by which cells die. Apoptosis is an active, regulated disassembly of the cell from within. During apoptosis, phosphatidylserine is translocated from the inner to the outer surface of the cell, allowing the dying cell to be engulfed by phagocytic cells. Annexin V is a 35 kD Ca2+-dependent phospholipid binding protein with a high affinity for phosphatidylserine.

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