
Experimentation kits, PCR-based VNTR human DNA typing

Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Experimentation kits, PCR-based VNTR human DNA typing
Materiale didattico Materiali didattici di biologia Attività di apprendimento - PCR
In DNA fingerprinting, variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) are used to identify individuals. Using this kit, students type themselves at the D1S80 locus on chromosome 1. This region contains between 14 and 40 copies of a 16 base pair repeat.

  • For 25 students
  • Set up 30 minutes; PCR 2 hours or overnight; electrophoresis 45 minutes

Also required: Micropipettes (5 to 50 µl) with tips, water bath, thermal cycler, electrophoresis tank and power supply.

Informazioni per l'ordine: Kit includes instructions, proteinase K, PCR beads, control DNA and primers,More Product Information
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