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Codice catalogo: (251-0000)
Codice articolo locale: VWRLPPCAP28MM
Descrizione: Screw caps, VWR®, Filettatura: 28 mm, Colore: bianco, PP, Per: Sampling bottles
UOM: 1 * 3.000 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (VWRL080338)
Codice articolo locale: VWRL080338
Descrizione: These bottles are made of PET with tamper evident white cap fitted.
UOM: 1 * 200 pezzi

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Codice catalogo: (331-0227)
Codice articolo locale: VWRLSTL37
Descrizione: Screw cap, PP, white, with PTFE liner, VWR®, Filettatura: 28,00 mm
UOM: 1 * 2.850 pezzi

Descrizione: PET, clear, with screw cap.

Descrizione: Glass, clear or amber.

Codice catalogo: (331-0155)
Codice articolo locale: VWRL080160
Descrizione: PET, clear.
UOM: 1 * 100 pezzi

Descrizione: Clear or amber glass with PTFE lined screw cap.

Codice catalogo: (VWRL2164530)
Codice articolo locale: VWRL2164530
Descrizione: PP, with lid.
UOM: 1 * 10 pezzi

Fornitore: VWR Collection
Descrizione: Laboratory analytical balances that have 5" colour touch screen display with advanced applications and large databases for professional weighing. The user has easy and intuitive access to balance functions, via interactive, icon-driven menus ensuring efficient and productive weighing. Balances can be used by up to 10 different users, each with their own customisable settings and password protection. Ideal for laboratories requiring GLP compliance. All models have a stainless steel top pan.


Codice catalogo: (BOSSBS-2350R)
Fornitore: Bioss
Codice articolo fornitore: BS-2350R
Codice articolo locale: BOSSBS-2350R
Descrizione: In mammals, several genes that encode members of the basic helix-loop helix (bHLH) PAS (PER-ARNT-SIM) transcription factor family have been shown to play a significant role in regulating circadian oscillations. Transactivation of CLOCK-induced genes is mediated via an E box enhancer (CACGTG) found upstream of target genes. CLOCK-ARNT 3 heterodimers bind to E box regulatory elements and stimulate gene transcription. CLOCK has been shown to transactivate the mammalian homolog of Drosophila PER. PER, in concert with the product of the mammalian timeless gene (TIM), negatively regulates its own transcription by blocking the activity of the CLOCK-BMAL 1 transactivation complex.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Fornitore: VWR Collection
Descrizione: Semi-micro balances that have 5" colour touch screen display with advanced applications and large databases for professional weighing. The user has easy, intuitive access to balance functions, via interactive, icon-driven menus ensuring efficient and productive weighing. Balances can be used by up to 10 different users, each with their own customisable settings and password protection. Ideal for laboratories requiring GLP compliance. All models have a stainless steel top pan.

Codice catalogo: (1.30100.0001)
Fornitore: Merck
Codice articolo fornitore: 1.30100.0001
Codice articolo locale: MERC1.30100.0001
Descrizione: Rapido monitoraggio quantitativo dell'igiene in liquidi e su superfici tramite bioluminescenza HY-LiTE® 2 viene fornito in una comoda e leggera borsa a tracolla. Software TREND2 per la registrazione e gestione avanzata dei dati incluso. Il software HY-LiTE® TREND2 può essere utilizzato per compilare programmi HACCP e per impostare limiti personalizzati. La possibilità di rappresentare graficamente i risultati ne agevola l'interpretazione e la valutazione. HY-LiTE® è già utilizzato in un'ampia gamma di settori produttivi e di processo (ad es. industria alimentare e industria del confezionamento) e nel settore dei servizi.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (710-0743)
Codice articolo fornitore: 204716462
Codice articolo locale: DOEH204716462
Descrizione: Polvere per la produzione di NBB®-Broth e NBB®-Agar per il rilevamento di batteri che alterano la birra in campioni di birra filtrata, di acqua e di lievito, nonché per campioni su membrane e tamponi. Con il marchio NBB®, Döhler offre terreni di coltura innovativi per il rilevamento rapido e affidabile di microrganismi che alterano le bevande, come Lactobacilli, Pectinatus e Megasphaera, in tutti i campioni nei birrifici, nonché per il settore vinicolo. NBB®-Powder (NBB®-P) è una polvere che, disciolta nella birra, adatta la selettività del terreno NBB®-Media alle esigenze dei prodotti. I terreni di coltura NBB® sono adatti per il rilevamento in:
UOM: 1 * 300 g

Fornitore: DAKLAPACK
Descrizione: These pouches are intended for use as a one time use pouch for food and even non food products. The pouch is designed with an opening bottom gusset which means the pouch will stand up on its own.

New Product

Codice catalogo: (PRSI29-488)
Fornitore: ProSci Inc.
Codice articolo fornitore: 29-488
Codice articolo locale: PRSI29-488
Descrizione: EXOSC6 constitutes one of the subunits of the multisubunit particle called exosome, which mediates mRNA degradation. The composition of human exosome is similar to its yeast counterpart. This protein is homologous to the yeast Mtr3 protein. Its exact function is not known, however, it has been shown using a cell-free RNA decay system that the exosome is required for rapid degradation of unstable mRNAs containing AU-rich elements (AREs), but not for poly (A) shortening. The exosome does not recognize ARE-containing mRNAs on its own, but requires ARE-binding proteins that could interact with the exosome and recruit it to unstable mRNAs, thereby promoting their rapid degradation.This gene product constitutes one of the subunits of the multisubunit particle called exosome, which mediates mRNA degradation. The composition of human exosome is similar to its yeast counterpart. This protein is homologous to the yeast Mtr3 protein. Its exact function is not known, however, it has been shown using a cell-free RNA decay system that the exosome is required for rapid degradation of unstable mRNAs containing AU-rich elements (AREs), but not for poly (A) shortening. The exosome does not recognize ARE-containing mRNAs on its own, but requires ARE-binding proteins that could interact with the exosome and recruit it to unstable mRNAs, thereby promoting their rapid degradation.
UOM: 1 * 50 µG

Codice catalogo: (PRSI29-489)
Fornitore: ProSci Inc.
Codice articolo fornitore: 29-489
Codice articolo locale: PRSI29-489
Descrizione: EXOSC6 constitutes one of the subunits of the multisubunit particle called exosome, which mediates mRNA degradation. The composition of human exosome is similar to its yeast counterpart. This protein is homologous to the yeast Mtr3 protein. Its exact function is not known, however, it has been shown using a cell-free RNA decay system that the exosome is required for rapid degradation of unstable mRNAs containing AU-rich elements (AREs), but not for poly (A) shortening. The exosome does not recognize ARE-containing mRNAs on its own, but requires ARE-binding proteins that could interact with the exosome and recruit it to unstable mRNAs, thereby promoting their rapid degradation.This gene product constitutes one of the subunits of the multisubunit particle called exosome, which mediates mRNA degradation. The composition of human exosome is similar to its yeast counterpart. This protein is homologous to the yeast Mtr3 protein. Its exact function is not known, however, it has been shown using a cell-free RNA decay system that the exosome is required for rapid degradation of unstable mRNAs containing AU-rich elements (AREs), but not for poly (A) shortening. The exosome does not recognize ARE-containing mRNAs on its own, but requires ARE-binding proteins that could interact with the exosome and recruit it to unstable mRNAs, thereby promoting their rapid degradation.
UOM: 1 * 100 µG

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