
Hai cercato: Reagenti per elettroforesi

Gel electrophoresis is a method used in molecular biology to separate DNA and proteins through an electrical current applied based on molecular weight or fragment size. The various reagents, including molecular weight markers, blotting reagents, and stain removal reagents, improve the detection accuracy of electrophoresis results through enhanced visualization. The electrophoresis reagents offered are ideal for use in the fields of molecular biology, immunogenetics, and other molecular biology disciplines.

Gel electrophoresis is a method used in molecular biology to separate DNA and proteins through an electrical current applied based on molecular weight or fragment size. The various reagents, including molecular weight markers, blotting reagents, and stain removal reagents, improve the detection accuracy of electrophoresis results through enhanced visualization. The electrophoresis reagents offered are ideal for use in the fields of molecular biology, immunogenetics, and other molecular biology disciplines.

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Codice catalogo: (27-1110)
Fornitore: VWR Chemicals
Codice articolo locale: VWRC27-1110
Descrizione: Protein Marker III for monitoring protein separation, transfer efficiency and size determination.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT


Codice catalogo: (E255-150UG)
Fornitore: VWR Chemicals
Codice articolo locale: VWRCE255-150UG
Descrizione: Marcatore MW (peso molecolare) per DNA, gamma alta: 10 frammenti da 1.503 a 48.502 bp. Materiale sufficiente per 75 – 150 saggi.
UOM: 1 * 150 µG

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Codice catalogo: (25-2000)
Fornitore: VWR Chemicals
Codice articolo locale: VWRC25-2000
Descrizione: DNA ladder for quantitative and qualitative analysis of dsDNA.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT


Codice catalogo: (25-2010)
Fornitore: VWR Chemicals
Codice articolo locale: VWRC25-2010
Descrizione: DNA ladder for quantitative and qualitative analysis of dsDNA.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Codice catalogo: (ENZOENZGEN1030100)
Codice articolo fornitore: ENZGEN1030100
Codice articolo locale: ENZOENZGEN1030100
Descrizione: AMPIGENE® DNA ladder contains DNA fragments ranging from 250 to 10000 bp that can be used as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The bands are evenly spaced and are intensified at 1000 bp and 3000 bp to serve as easily identifiable reference bands. The approximate mass of DNA in each of the bands is provided, assuming 5 µl load, for determining the approximate mass of DNA in samples with comparable intensity and sizes.
UOM: 1 * 1 SET

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Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: This blot contains two protein lanes, a protein marker lane and a lane with one GenLysate™ sample. After the proteins are resolved, they are transferred to a PVDF membrane using Western Transfer Buffer. The blots are ready to be blocked and probed with the antibodies of choice.

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: This blot contains two protein lanes, a protein marker lane and a lane with one GenLysate™ sample. After the proteins are resolved, they are transferred to a PVDF membrane using Western Transfer Buffer. The blots are ready to be blocked and probed with the antibodies of choice.

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: These are ready to screen, normal tissue, heart tissue region blots from human and pig. The heart tissue specific regions are prepared by carefully dissecting out anatomically and functionally distinct regions of adult pig and adult human hearts.

Codice catalogo: (SM0271)
Fornitore: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Codice articolo fornitore: SM0271
Codice articolo locale: FERMSM0271
Descrizione: pBR322 DNA/BsuRI (HaeIII) marker is suitable for sizing and approximate quantification of small linear double-stranded DNA fragments in agarose and non denaturing polyacrylamide gels.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: G-Biosciences offers ready-to-screen, normal tissue, brain tissue region blots. The brain tissue specific regions are prepared by carefully dissecting out anatomically and functionally distinct regions of adult mouse, rat, human, and primate brains.

Codice catalogo: (22007.)
Fornitore: Biotium
Codice articolo fornitore: 22007
Codice articolo locale: BTIU22007
Descrizione: Activated charcoal retains ethidium bromide, GelRed™ and GelGreen™ efficiently in a convenient bag for decontamination of used gel staining solutions. Each bag has a total capacity of at least 10 mg ethidium bromide.
UOM: 1 * 25 pezzi


Codice catalogo: (MILF2502)
Fornitore: Merck
Codice articolo fornitore: 2502
Codice articolo locale: MILF2502
Descrizione: Western blotting is a commonly used technique for studying protein function and localisation. Typically, protein samples are electro-phoresed on SDS-page and transferred to a membrane such as nitrocellulose or nylon, where they are probed with specific antibodies. Unlike nucleic acid based technologies, which allow reuse of southern and northern blots, it has been difficult to reuse western blots.
UOM: 1 * 25 mL

Fornitore: Merck
Descrizione: The Visualizer Western Blot Detection kit is designed for the sensitive detection of proteins in chemiluminescent Western blots.

Codice catalogo: (MILF2060)
Fornitore: Merck
Codice articolo fornitore: 2060
Codice articolo locale: MILF2060
Descrizione: Western blotting is a commonly used technique for studying protein function and localisation. Typically, protein samples are electro-phoresed on SDS page and transferred to a membrane such as nitrocellulose or nylon, where they are probed with specific antibodies. Unlike nucleic acid based technologies, which allow reuse of southern and northern blots, it has been difficult to reuse western blots.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: Western ReProbe™ PLUS allows for the removal of stubborn, high affinity antibodies from membrane bound proteins without destroying the antigenic binding affinity. The membrane bound protein is retained on the membrane and the matching antibodies are washed away. Once the antigen-antibody bonds are broken, the membrane bound protein is free to accept new antibodies.

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: Western ReProbe™ is a single component system that is specifically formulated to dissociate and remove antibodies from membrane-bound proteins without destroying the antigenic binding affinity. Western ReProbe™ also enables the ability to reuse Western blots.

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