
Sampling swabs, Dryswab™

MW108 MW1048 MW1028
720-0127EA 292 EUR
720-0127 720-2203 MEDWMW1028
Sampling swabs, Dryswab™
Tamponi Tamponi per il campionamento
These dry swabs are ideal for collecting specimens or samples for analysis or for transferring materials during a diagnostic procedure.

  • Sterile, ready-to-use
  • Available with different shaft and head materials
  • Rayon swabs are particularly suitable for the recovery of microorganisms

Labelled tubes: Each swab comes self-contained and ready to use with its own tube for easy transport to the laboratory. The swab is mounted in the tube plug which serves as a convenient holder so there is no need for direct handling of the swab. Each tube and cap assembly isMore Product Information
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