
Supelco® BIOshell™ HPLC Columns, 160 Å Peptide CN Fused-Core®

Fornitore: Merck
66965-U 66966-U 66967-U 66968-U 66969-U 66970-U 66971-U 66972-U 66973-U 66974-U 66975-U 66976-U 66977-U 66978-U 66979-U 67061-U 67062-U 67063-U 67064-U 67065-U 67066-U 67067-U 67068-U 67069-U 67071-U 67080-U 67081-U 67082-U 67083-U 67084-U 67159-U 67160-U 67161-U 67163-U 67164-U 67165-U
66965-UEA 596 EUR
66965-U 66966-U 66967-U 66968-U 66969-U 66970-U 66971-U 66972-U 66973-U 66974-U 66975-U 66976-U 66977-U 66978-U 66979-U 67061-U 67062-U 67063-U 67064-U 67065-U 67066-U 67067-U 67068-U 67069-U 67071-U 67080-U 67081-U 67082-U 67083-U 67084-U 67159-U 67160-U 67161-U 67163-U 67164-U 67165-U
Supelco® BIOshell™ HPLC Columns, 160 Å Peptide CN Fused-Core®
Colonne cromatografiche
BIOshell™ 160 Å Peptide CN columns provide an alternative selectivity to the traditional C18 bonded phases.

  • Higher resolutions and higher peak capacities of peptides at ~50% backpressures of sub-2 µm fully porous paticles (FPP)-packed columns
  • Lower backpressure allows for columns to be used in series to maximise resolutions and peak capacity of complex proteomic samples or tryptic digests
  • Compatible with all UHPLC and LC-MS instrumentation

The introduction of the cyano group enables peptides and small proteins to be separatedd due to a combination of hydrophobicity and dipole-dipole interactions making this column an excellent choice for biomolecules that are not resolved on traditional C18 columns. These columns contain advanced Fused-Core® particles with pores strategically sized to 160 Å to enable optimised peptide diffusion. This attribute makes these columns an excellent choice for peptide mapping. Additionally, the sterically protected cycanopropyl ligands provide extra stability allowing the column to be used at an extended pH range (2 to 9) and high temperatures (up to 90 °C)

Certificazioni: Column test certificate available inside the box.

Informazioni per l' accessorio: This guard cartridge holder can be used with 4,6 mm/3,0 mm and 2,1 mm Int.Ø BIOShell™ columns.
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