
Microplate readers, Multiskan SkyHigh

A51119500C A51119600C A51119600DPC A51119700C A51119700DPC
736-0923EA 17440 EUR
736-0923 736-0922 736-0931 LABLA51119700C LABLA51119700DPC
Microplate readers, Multiskan SkyHigh
Lettori di micropiastre
Multiskan SkyHigh è uno spettrofotometro a micropiastre UV/Visible progettato per essere economico e facile da usare in qualunque applicazione di ricerca fotometrica, soprattutto per le analisi del DNA, RNA e delle proteine. È ideale per ambienti multi-utente in cui vengono eseguite una varietà di prove endpoint, cinetiche e spettrali.

  • Misurazione facile e veloce - campioni di acido nucleico o proteine a basso volume
  • Software facile da usare - consente di effettuare un esperimento nel giro di pochi minuti
  • Accesso remoto - gestisci i tuoi dati da ovunque via Cloud, USB, o la piattaforma Microsoft™ OneDrive™

Multiskan Sky touch screen models can be connected to Thermo Fisher Connect cloud-based tools to enable secure digital data management, remote access of your instrument’s photometric data, and sharing between colleagues.

SkanIt™ software offers a comprehensive selection of built-in calculations, including blank subtraction, standard curves and concentration/dose-response curve fitting, classification, quality control, kinetic, and spectral analysis. Each user can install SkanIt software on his/her own computer to set up assays and analyse data. Thermo Fisher Connect cloud-based capabilities enable you to:
- Monitor the status of your instrument from your PC or Mac® computer
- Monitor the status of your instrument from your mobile device with the Instrument Connect app
- Upload measured data automatically or manually from your instrument to your cloud account
- Securely store, access, share, and manage your data remotely
- Receive automatic notification of new instrument software updates
- Upgrade instrument software at your convenience
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