
DNA transfection reagent, 3D-Fect™


TF20250 TF20500 TF21000
OZBITF20250EA 121.48 EUR
DNA transfection reagent, 3D-Fect™
Reagenti per trasfezione

3D-Fect™ transfection reagent is specifically designed to directly transfect cells cultured in 3D scaffolds.

  • Highly efficient for cell lines and primary cells
  • Specific for 3D scaffolds
  • Compatible with all types of nucleic acids
  • Long term protein expression
  • Serum compatible

Scaffold-based 3D matrices activated with 3D-Fect™/DNA complexes are colonised by cells which are subsequently transfected in situ and in a more natural environment. This method allows studying tissue engineering and regeneration, tumour invasion, neural differentiation, cellular polarisation, tissue formation, colonisation, neurite growth, etc.

This method allows studying tissue engineering and regeneration, tumour invasion, neural differentiation, cellular polarisation, tissue formation,colonisation, neurite growth.

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