
Detergenti Extran® per macchine lavavetreria (AP), Supelco®

Fornitore: Merck
1.07558.2000 1.07558.9025 1.07559.2500 1.07559.9010 1.07559.9025 1.07561.2500 1.07561.9010 1.07561.9025 1.07563.2000 1.07563.9010 1.07563.9025 1.07570.2000 1.07570.9025 1.07558.9010 1.40006.2500 1.40006.9010 1.40006.9025 1.40006.5000 1.40118.2500 1.40118.5000 1.40118.9010 1.40118.9025 1.07559.5001 1.07561.5001 1.40006.5001 1.40118.5001
1.07558.2000EA 163.5 EUR
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Detergenti Extran® per macchine lavavetreria (AP), Supelco®
Soluzioni detergenti Detergenti e Detersivi per Superfici
Una gamma di detergenti, per macchine lavavetreria, sviluppata per soddisfare le necessità di lavaggio di vetreria e della piccola strumentazione in laboratorio.

  • Prevents carry-over of residues to the next analysis
  • Chlorine-free

These products have been developed with leading instrument manufacturers for their suitability for washing machines. Extran® products have been tested extensively for their effectiveness and low degree of foaming. It is advisable to neutralise alkaline cleansers with an acid rinse subsequent to the cleaning process. Alkaline cleansers, except Extran® AP 13, do not contain surfactants.

The manual cleansers are provided as concentrates and the cleaning solutions are simply made up with tap water. Typically immersion for up to 2 hours is sufficient, but for particularly difficult residues the time period can be extended. Alternatively, warming the solution or use with an ultrasonic bath can speed up the process. To ensure no residues are left, the user can rinse initially with tap water and finally with distilled or demineralised water.

These products have been developed with leading instrument manufacturers for their suitability for washing machines. The Extran® products have been tested extensively for their effectiveness and low degree of foaming. It is advisable to neutralise the alkaline cleansers with an acid rinse, subsequent to the cleaning process. The alkaline cleansers, except Extran® AP 13, do not contain surfactants.

Confezione: The 5 litre plastic canister (part numbers xxxxxx.5001) has been designed to fit most dishwashers, with standard thread for direct connection.
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