Advanced balances designed for easy, reliable and secure weighing operations for regulated areas. These analytical balances deliver stabilisation times of 2 to 3 seconds with excellent repeatability (0,1 mg) and linearity (0,2 mg). The Secura® range features a range of APC functions (Advanced Pharma Compliance) to help with documentation and monitoring requirements. GLP-compliant printout documentation is also controlled by the built-in security control, as data transfer to a printer or PC is blocked, when common operating errors occur, such as when the balance is not level, minimum sample weight has not been achieved or temperature fluctuations require isoCAL calibration adjustment.
- Touch screen con interfaccia utente grafica ottimizzata per gli utenti nei laboratori farmaceutici
- Funzione Cal Audit Trail per documentare la qualità di ogni procedura di pesatura eseguita
- Calibrazione interna isoCAL e funzione di regolazione collegata a CAL Audit Trail
- SQmin: monitoraggio della conformità ai limiti di peso minimo del campione USP
- Protezione tramite password delle impostazioni di configurazione
- LevelControl controlla continuamente che la bilancia sia perfettamente in piano
Semi-micro balances, five-place: The introduction of five-place balances to the Secura® series extends the level of performance to these compact accurate balances.
Additional features include:
One touch draft shield door operation
Stabilisation times for 5-place semi-micro balances are approximately 6 seconds
Start Assistant function and SmartTouch user interface to help guide the user through the range of functionalities available
Optional 90 mm weighing pan
Informazioni per l'ordine: con alimentatore universale, coperchio protettivo, guida applicativa, coperchio antipolvere per bilance analitiche, anello di scarico per bilance da 0,1 mg.