Hai cercato: Well Plate Stands and Well Orienters
316 risultati sono stati trovati
Cell Biology Products, Supplies, and Resources
Cell Biology Cells are the fundamental unit of life. When you are focused on cell biology Avantor is your source for the tools products and supplies you need to keep your lab functioning at its peak. You can be concerned with the biochemical and p...
Simplify Clinical Trials Management
Simplify Clinical Trials Management Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us An Expert with You Every Step of the Way Keeping pace with the global growth of clinical trials studies has led to an increase in log...
Aurelia Gloves di Supermax Healthcare Inc
Aurelia Gloves di Supermax Healthcare Inc Supermax Healthcare è un produttore distributore e venditore leader a livello internazionale di guanti medicali di alta qualità. Attualmente Supermax Healthcare esporta in oltre 150 paesi in America Europa...
Imaging solutions to answer your biological questions Stunning images fast throughput powerful analysis www.moleculardevices.com2 ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System SpectraMax® i3x Multi-Mode Microplate Reader ImageXpress Nano Automate...
How to reduce your sample loss to significantly improve your results
How to reduce your sample loss to significantly improve your results Webinar Thursday 9th November 2023 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance We will examine how small ch...
Eventi Making Cosmetics Milano Avantor sarà presente all'evento Making Cosmetics Milano 22-23 Novembre STAND 727 Webinar VWR organizza regolamente seminari via web per migliorare l'esperienza di acquisto dei propri clienti. Registrati a uno dei no...
Micro Membrane Growth
www.pall.com/lab Microbiological Evaluation of 0.45 µm Membranes A Comparative View on Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE) Summary Membrane filtration (MF) technique is the regulatory accepted and preferred method for recovery of microorganisms in product...
Permeable Support Systems
Permeable Support Systems Create in vivo -like cell culture environment using Transwell permeable supports to enhance cell growth for both anchorage-dependent and feeder-independent cell lines. Corning permeable supports are available in a variety...
Flussi di lavoro nel settore alimentare e delle bevande
Flussi di lavoro nel settore alimentare e delle bevande Che stiate testando i contaminanti o sviluppando un nuovo processo di produzione siamo qui per aiutarvi. La nostra gamma innovativa di prodotti e soluzioni Thermo Scientific™ consente di real...
ProductionInsightMag_2-2015_EN-master_OK.indd CLEANROOM AND CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS 39Production Insight issue 6 I October 2015 I VWR For more information on these products contact Basic information about microbial monitoring of cleanrooms Viable ...
PCR Plates & Tubes, Seals
PCR Plates & Tubes Seals Featured Solutions Cleanroom quality for reliable results Optimal protection from evaporation and contamination More information Additional Resources Brochure Application Note Video Sample Request Thermo Scientific PCR pla...
UNICORN™ start software
UNICORN™ start software UNICORN start 1.0 is the control software designed for ÄKTA start. Data Management: robust database storage with easy access to data data security and data integrity. Intuitive design: simple and flexible method creation us...
Adapting well known chromatographic techniques for the analysis of biomolecules
Adapting well known chromatographic techniques for the analysis of biomolecules Webinar Thursday 18th June 2020 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Regulatory guidelin...
Immunoplates Featured Solutions Thermo Scientific Immunoassay plates the right surface for your assay More information Additional Resources Immunoassay Plate Guide
J.T.Baker® Robotic Consumables
J.T.Baker® Robotic Consumables J.T.Baker® high precision robotic tips and plates will help improve your analytical and diagnostic operations. J.T.Baker Robotic Tips J.T.Baker PCR Plates Additional Resources Brochure Video Robotic Tips Sample Request
Microvolume Photometry
Microvolume Photometry Das neue NanoDrop™ ONE als ~~Stand-Alone~~-System mit integriertem Rechner brillantem ~~Touch-Display~~ und intelligenter Analysesoftware setzt es neue Maßstäbe im Bereich der Mikrovolumenphotometrie. Mehr Featured Solutions...
65 - 80 of 316