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41  risultati sono stati trovati

Techniques and Contamination Control for Inorganic Trace Analysis

Techniques and Contamination Control for Inorganic Trace Analysis Thurday 10th September 2020 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance This webinar will be held in English....

EU GMP Draft Annex 1: Potential impact on cleaning and disinfection

EU GMP Draft Annex 1: Potential impact on cleaning and disinfection Webinar Thursday September 19th 2019 11:00 to 12:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Clean...

Prodotti VWR

Prodotti VWR Refrigeratori a circolazione VWR Questi refrigeratori a circolazione sono ecologici e a basso consumo di acqua e dispongono di mezzi affidabili per il controllo della temperatura dei liquidi in vasche aperte o sistemi a circuito chius...

Prodotti Huber

Prodotti Huber Termostati a circolazione refrigeranti Huber Minichiller con controller OLÉ I Minichiller compatti rappresentano una soluzione economica ed ecologica per il raffreddamento per numerose applicazioni di laboratorio. Il controller OLÉ ...

ÄKTA Start

ÄKTA Start Manual protein purification stressing you out? There is an affordable alternative ÄKTA Start Purify tagged proteins and antibodies easily Gain insight from real-time monitoring Evaluate and share your results Demo Request Quote Easy Pro...

Disinfectant efficacy validation for life science cleanrooms

Disinfectant efficacy validation for life science cleanrooms Webinar Thursday 22nd July 2021 11:00 to 12:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Register Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Understand the differences in disinf...

Managing Disinfectant Residues In Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms

Managing Disinfectant Residues In Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms Webinar Thursday 11th June 2020 11:00 to 12:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Disinfectant residues Cleanroom residue...

Termostati/termostati a circolazione refrigerati

Termostati/termostati a circolazione refrigerati Prodotti in evidenza Raffreddatori a circolazione Julabo serie F Raffreddatori a circolazione a basso impatto ambientale progettati per applicazioni di refrigerazione esterna semplici dove un funzio...

Sample Preparation Strategies for Elemental Analysis

Sample Preparation Strategies for Elemental Analysis Webinar Thursday 3rd June 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Has your Manager ever said to you “Can we reduce our reporting limits for this method” or “we have a customer requ...

Avantor biopharma videos

Avantor biopharma videos mAbs scale up solutions Avantor single-use assurance of supply Avantor Seradigm OmniTop Assemblies Fluid Transfer Demo Avantor Single-Use Solutions J.T.Baker® Direct Dispense Solutions Cell & Gene Therapy Solutions Avantor...

Nanopore Sequencing

Nanopore Sequencing MinION — your personal portable real-time DNA/RNA sequencer Get complete control over when where and how often you sequence with powerful and affordable MinION sequencing devices Learn more Additional Resources Product brochure...

CO2 Incubator & safe cultivation tools

CO2 Incubator & safe cultivation tools Featured Solutions The Heracell™ VIOS series has been designed for sensitive cultures such as stem and primary cells. Cell culture contamination is a concern for any lab so protect your cultures with the opti...

Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers

Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers These upright freezers have been designed for sample protection and ease of use. All upright freezers feature a convenient eye-level control and monitoring system.Stores up to 600 2~~ boxes relaible and save! Ultra-l...

Automated Nucleic Acid Purification

Automated Nucleic Acid Purification J.T.Baker® high precision robotic tips and plates will help improve your analytical and diagnostic operations. J.T.Baker Robotic Tips J.T.Baker Plates Additional Resources Brochure Video Robotic Tips Sample Requ...

Prodotti Julabo

Prodotti Julabo Termostati ad immersione riscaldanti Julabo CORIO™ C Il termostato a immersione CORIO™ C è il modello di base ed è ideale per applicazioni interne standard Termostati a circolazione riscaldanti Julabo bagni in policarbonato CORIO™ ...

Overview on Viscosity, Flash Point and Certified Reference Materials for the Petroleum Industry

Overview on Viscosity Flash Point and Certified Reference Materials for the Petroleum Industry Webinar Thursday 10th June 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay In this presentation Paragon Scientific will provide some product awaren...
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