
Hai cercato: Reagenti per elettroforesi

Gel electrophoresis is a method used in molecular biology to separate DNA and proteins through an electrical current applied based on molecular weight or fragment size. The various reagents, including molecular weight markers, blotting reagents, and stain removal reagents, improve the detection accuracy of electrophoresis results through enhanced visualization. The electrophoresis reagents offered are ideal for use in the fields of molecular biology, immunogenetics, and other molecular biology disciplines.

Gel electrophoresis is a method used in molecular biology to separate DNA and proteins through an electrical current applied based on molecular weight or fragment size. The various reagents, including molecular weight markers, blotting reagents, and stain removal reagents, improve the detection accuracy of electrophoresis results through enhanced visualization. The electrophoresis reagents offered are ideal for use in the fields of molecular biology, immunogenetics, and other molecular biology disciplines.

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Codice catalogo: (ROCKMB-105-0100)
Fornitore: Rockland Immunochemicals
Codice articolo fornitore: MB-105-0100
Codice articolo locale: ROCKMB-105-0100
Descrizione: Lambda DNA fragments prepared by the digestion of purified lambda DNA with the restriction endonuclease Hind III.
UOM: 1 * 100 µG

Codice catalogo: (MILF2504)
Fornitore: Merck
Codice articolo fornitore: 2504
Codice articolo locale: MILF2504
Descrizione: Western blotting is a commonly used technique for studying protein function and localisation. Typically, protein samples are electro-phoresed on SDS-page and transferred to a membrane such as nitrocellulose or nylon, where they are probed with specific antibodies. Unlike nucleic acid based technologies, which allow reuse of southern and northern blots, it has been difficult to reuse western blots.
UOM: 1 * 25 mL

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Fornitore: Merck
Descrizione: Immobilon® Block Noise cancelling reagents are designed especially for Western blotting applications. This family of protein-free, ready-to-use buffers has been optimised to reduce background levels when using chemiluminescence, fluorescent, or phosphotyrosine detection.

Codice catalogo: (MILF20-135)
Fornitore: Merck
Codice articolo fornitore: 20-135
Codice articolo locale: MILF20-135
Descrizione: Autorad orientation markers for use on immunoblots in detection of Chemiluminescence in Western blotting, dot/slot blotting.
UOM: 1 * 5 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (31084.)
Fornitore: Biotium
Codice articolo fornitore: 31084
Codice articolo locale: BTIU31084
Descrizione: Ready to use DNA ladders are supplied in 1X loading buffer at an optimal concentration for loading GelRed™ and GelGreen™ precast gels.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

New Product

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: These are ready to screen, normal tissue, kidney tissue region blots from mouse and rat. The kidney tissue specific regions are prepared by carefully dissecting out anatomically and functionally distinct regions of adult mouse and rat kidney.

Codice catalogo: (ENZOBMLSW1010200)
Codice articolo fornitore: BMLSW1010200
Codice articolo locale: ENZOBMLSW1010200
Descrizione: Whole-cell extract of human HL-60 leukemia cells.
UOM: 1 * 200 µl

New Product

Fornitore: Rockland Immunochemicals
Descrizione: These accurate and sensitive kits are ideal for Western blotting or dot blotting methods. They offer flexibility with two unique substrates: Bright Blue TMB substrate and Stable Brown DAB substrate. Components are colour-coded for error-free results. With MaxTag™ you can run up to 40 (10×10cm) immunoblots.

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: The picoLUCENT™ PLUS-HRP kit is based on an ultra sensitive luminol substrate that produces chemiluminescence upon reaction with horseradish peroxidase. The chemiluminescence light emission can be recorded by a short exposure to autoradiography films.

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: The femtoLUCENT™ PLUS Reagent Kit facilitates the quick and sensitive non-isotopic detection of proteins on transfer membranes.

Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: The picoLUCENT™ PLUS-HRP kit is based on an ultra sensitive luminol substrate that produces chemiluminescence upon reaction with alkaline phosphatase. The chemiluminescence light emission can be recorded by a short exposure to autoradiography films.

Codice catalogo: (MLDVR8220)
Fornitore: Molecular Devices
Codice articolo fornitore: R8220
Codice articolo locale: MLDVR8220
Descrizione: The ScanLater™ Western blot protein ladder is a mixture of seven biotinylated recombinant proteins at 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 140 kD.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Fornitore: Merck
Descrizione: Luminata™ Western HRP substrates are a family of premixed, ready to use chemiluminescent reagents for the detection of HRP-based Westerns.

Descrizione: The CYTAG™ CGH labeling kit produces high quality data for comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH) using as little as 0,25 µg of genomic DNA, without a need for pre-amplification.

New Product

Codice catalogo: (ENZOADI9502100030)
Codice articolo fornitore: ADI9502100030
Codice articolo locale: ENZOADI9502100030
Descrizione: HIGHDEF® red IHC chromogen can be used in conjunction with peroxidase-based immunostaining systems.
UOM: 1 * 30 mL

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Codice catalogo: (SM1821)
Fornitore: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Codice articolo fornitore: SM1821
Codice articolo locale: FERMSM1821
Descrizione: RiboRuler™ high range RNA ladder allows precise sizing of RNA molecules in denaturing agarose gels and Northern blotting.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

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