
Hai cercato: Reagenti per elettroforesi

Gel electrophoresis is a method used in molecular biology to separate DNA and proteins through an electrical current applied based on molecular weight or fragment size. The various reagents, including molecular weight markers, blotting reagents, and stain removal reagents, improve the detection accuracy of electrophoresis results through enhanced visualization. The electrophoresis reagents offered are ideal for use in the fields of molecular biology, immunogenetics, and other molecular biology disciplines.

Gel electrophoresis is a method used in molecular biology to separate DNA and proteins through an electrical current applied based on molecular weight or fragment size. The various reagents, including molecular weight markers, blotting reagents, and stain removal reagents, improve the detection accuracy of electrophoresis results through enhanced visualization. The electrophoresis reagents offered are ideal for use in the fields of molecular biology, immunogenetics, and other molecular biology disciplines.

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Codice catalogo: (A8889.0500)
Fornitore: PanReac AppliChem
Codice articolo fornitore: A8889.0500
Codice articolo locale: APLIA8889.0500
Descrizione: The main applications for prestained protein markers are the monitoring of protein migration during SDS-PAGE, verification of Western transfer efficiency on membranes, and estimation of protein sizes on SDS-polyacrylamide gels and Western blots.
UOM: 1 * 500 µl

Fornitore: Thermo Scientific
Descrizione: For chemiluminecent HRP-based detection of western blotting systems. It is soluble in most polar organic solvents but is insoluble in water.

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Fornitore: LONZA
Descrizione: Thse DNA ladders provides rapid and easy size determination of the DNA samples. Each band has an ideal 50 % G-C content for precise sizing and sharp resolution. It is free from contaminating plasmid DNA with minimal background.

Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: I marker di peso molecolare Rainbow™ velocizzano e semplificano l'identificazione delle proteine su gel SDS-PAGE. I marker pronti all'uso forniscono bande più nitide e più intense su gel e blot e migliorano la spaziatura tra bande consentendo una determinazione del peso molecolare più accurata. I colori brillanti e ben distinti dei marker semplificano la conferma del trasferimento sulle membrane per blotting e dell'orientamento.
Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: The appearance of streaks that distort 2-D electrophoresis maps is a common problem, occurring most frequently when running gels that contain regions greater than pH 7,0. Increased sample load, increased length of the IPG strip, or using a narrower pH gradient worsens the problem. Extra spots on 2-D gels, caused by non specific oxidation of proteins, is another difficulty encountered when running gels containing basic regions. Both streaking and non specific oxidation result in poorly resolved protein patterns and reduced reproducibility between electrophoresis runs.

Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: AlkPhos Direct™ Labelling and detection systems are based on the rapid, direct labelling of DNA or RNA probes with thermostable alkaline phosphatase. AlkPhos Direct™ combines the convenience of direct enzyme labelling (no blocking or antibody stages) with those of alkaline phosphatase detection (long light output and high sensitivity).

Codice catalogo: (RPN3006)
Fornitore: Cytiva
Codice articolo fornitore: RPN3006
Codice articolo locale: GEHERPN3006
Descrizione: ECL Direct Nucleic Acid Labeling and Detection Systems are based on the direct labeling of DNA or RNA probes with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in a simple 20 min chemical reaction. The resulting probe can be used without purification. Detection is achieved by generation of light via the HRP-catalyzed breakdown of luminol.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (RPN2235)
Fornitore: Cytiva
Codice articolo fornitore: RPN2235
Codice articolo locale: GEHERPN2235
Descrizione: Amersham ECL Select is a high sensitivity reagent for chemiluminescent Western blotting detection.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: CypHer5E is a red-excitable, pH-sensitive cyanine dye derivative that is minimally fluorescent at a basic pH and maximally fluorescent at an acidic pH.

Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: Enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) detection reagents for reliable detection of medium and high expression proteins.
Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: Chemiluminescence detection reagent for detection of high to medium abundant proteins.

Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: Cy™ fluorescent amidites for incorporation of Cy3, Cy3,5, Cy5, Cy5,5 fluorescent dyes at any position in an oligonucleotide during synthesis.

Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: Amersham™ ECL™ Prime is a highly sensitive Western blotting detection reagent characterised by stable signal emission, allowing for the possibility of repeated exposures and making it easier to process several blots in the same experimental run. Amersham™ ECL™ Prime delivers a detection system that is sensitive, stable, precisely quantitative across a wide dynamic range of protein levels, and conservative in its consumption of expensive antibody reagents. The high performance of Amersham™ ECL™ Prime is due to the presence of an enhancer in the reagent, increasing enzyme turnover, and thereby significantly increasing both signal intensity and duration. The light signal is further intensified by the addition of a catalyst.
Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: Pharmalyte® carrier ampholytes, prepared by the co-polymerization of glycine, glycylglycine, amines and epichlorohydrin, are available in five broad-range and four narrow-range pH intervals.
Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: pI markers are lyophilized mixtures of stable, salt-free, highly purified proteins.
Fornitore: Cytiva
Descrizione: Per la determinazione precisa del peso molecolare dei campioni di proteine non caratterizzati tramite confronto con standard accuratamente selezionati.
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