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Codice catalogo: (EDVO315)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: 315
Codice articolo locale: EDVO315
Descrizione: Southern blotting is an important technique used widely in clinical genetics and research. By transferring DNA from an agarose gel onto a membrane the method allows the precise analysis and identification of DNA bands on a gel. Using this kit, students use Southern blotting to find a point mutation in the haemoglobin gene indicating Sickle Cell Anaemia.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi


Codice catalogo: (EDVO119)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: 119
Codice articolo locale: EDVO119
Descrizione: Kit for teaching students how to extract and precipitate their own DNA. Students can transfer their DNA to a tube that can be used as a pendant on a necklace.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

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Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Descrizione: Bovine spongiform encephalophathy (BSE), also known as Mad Cow Disease, is a neurodegenerative, fatal condition in cattle. Consuming BSE-infected beef is believed to be the cause of a similar condition in humans, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. In this experiment, students examine simulated PCR products from several feed mills, to determine any possible violations of the ban on including animal parts in cattle feed.

Codice catalogo: (EDVO110)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: 110
Codice articolo locale: EDVO110
Descrizione: This experiment introduces a simple method to determine protein subunit molecular weights using horizontal electrophoresis. As the protein standards and 'unknowns' are prestained, the separation of proteins can be observed during electrophoresis. Included in the experiment is protein-grade agarose, which provides an alternative to the use of polyacrylamide gels.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Codice catalogo: (EDVOS-10)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: S-10
Codice articolo locale: EDVOS-10
Descrizione: This lab activity shows students what real chromosomal DNA looks like and allows them to explore the procedures involved in DNA extraction.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (EDVO253)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: 253
Codice articolo locale: EDVO253
Descrizione: In this experiment, students study the diversity of fish using pre-stained, lyophilised proteins. Total protein from perch, walleye and salmon is extracted and pre-stained using an indicator dye. Each fish protein sample has a characteristic banding pattern when separated by denaturing SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which can be used to identify the specific species.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Codice catalogo: (EDVO316)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: 316
Codice articolo locale: EDVO316
Descrizione: Coronary heart disease and stroke are major causes of death in the Western world. Elevated blood cholesterol levels are a serious risk factor in both conditions. The genetic disease familial hypersholesterolemia (FH) causes an increase in blood levels of the bad form of cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL). In untreated patients with the mutant FH gene, the condition can cause premature death. This experiment introduces the colorimetric enzymatic reaction which is the basis of the clinical cholesterol test. In addition, using agarose gel electrophoresis, students can analyse a simulated genetic screening for a disease.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Descrizione: Ready-to-Load™ kit to show how electrophoresis separates molecules on the basis of size and charge.

Codice catalogo: (763-0007)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: S-50
Codice articolo locale: EDVOS-50
Descrizione: This kit is for teaching students how people's physical traits are a reflection of their genes. In this simulation, students use electrophoresis to separate dyes which represent genetic traits.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Codice catalogo: (EDVO124)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: 124
Codice articolo locale: EDVO124
Descrizione: This experiment presents a bioterrorism scenario, with students examining a simulated DNA fingerprinting test for the detection of smallpox.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Descrizione: Plasmid and lambda DNA are pre-digested with restriction endonucleases that recognise and cut double-stranded DNA within or near defined base sequences. Digests are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis.

Codice catalogo: (EDVOS-49)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: S-49
Codice articolo locale: EDVOS-49
Descrizione: Solve the mystery of two boys separated from their parents a decade ago. Their biological mother is identified by mitrochondrial DNA and their biological father from chromosomal DNA.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Codice catalogo: (763-0009)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: S-52
Codice articolo locale: EDVOS-52
Descrizione: Experiment using fluorescence and electrophoresis to solve the mystery of the invisible bands.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Descrizione: Genetic testing can be used to identify people with a genetic condition which caused them to have an elevated level of cholesterol and which can be fatal. Students can see how genetic testing is carried out and learn about DNA electrophoresis.

Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Descrizione: This Ready-to-Load™ kit shows how a restriction enzyme can be used to screen DNA for Sickle Cell Anaemia.

Codice catalogo: (EDVO150)
Fornitore: EDVOTEK
Codice articolo fornitore: 150
Codice articolo locale: EDVO150
Descrizione: For learning about the diversity of proteins by studying the electrophoretic profiles of various sources. Students separate proteins from bacterial, plant, serum, and milk proteins alongside a standard protein marker.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

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