
Hai cercato: Elettroporatori

Essential in the microbiology technique of electrically applying pulses to cells, electroporators increase membrane permeability so that new substances can be properly introduced. Offered in typical parameters of voltage, the appliances create an electrostatic field in solutions to allow macromolecule movement through provisional porous cell membranes. The open or closed systems have user-friendly programming to tailor settings based on specific cell type and throughput required.

Essential in the microbiology technique of electrically applying pulses to cells, electroporators increase membrane permeability so that new substances can be properly introduced. Offered in typical parameters of voltage, the appliances create an electrostatic field in solutions to allow macromolecule movement through provisional porous cell membranes. The open or closed systems have user-friendly programming to tailor settings based on specific cell type and throughput required.

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Codice catalogo: (EPPE4308031.000)
Fornitore: EPPENDORF
Codice articolo fornitore: 4308031.000
Codice articolo locale: EPPE4308031.000
Descrizione: Il multiporatore® è stato progettato per l'elettroporazione di cellule eucariotiche. Le applicazioni comprendono la trasfezione di linee cellulari animali e umane, cellule staminali embrionali, cellule primarie, oociti e cellule vegetali.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: BTX
Descrizione: Effectively introduced DNA vaccines represent a powerful and safe means for stimulating an immune response that recognises and eliminates target molecules in the body. However, traditional DNA vaccine delivery systems suffer from poor efficiency. The BTX AgilePulse™<i> in vivo</i> system used for vaccine development and gene therapy provides an intra-dermal/intra-muscular electroporation solution to produce maximum transfection efficiency. The AgilePulse™ <i>in vivo</i> system can be purchased with software supporting intra-dermal (ID) or intra-muscular (IM) applications.

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Fornitore: BTX
Descrizione: The ECM 2001+ is a multifunctional electrofusion and square wave electroporation generator. The ability to generate both AC and DC waves allows for fast and efficient cell fusion in hybridoma production, hybrid cell formation, and nuclear transfer applications. This system is powerful enough to yield high transfection efficiencies for cell lines and difficult to transfect cell types including stem cells and primary cells. The gentle square wave pulse also allows for high cell viability of these cell types.

Fornitore: BTX
Descrizione: The High Throughput ECM™ 830 system offers a multi-well electroporation technology for processing multiple samples in seconds. Using the HT multi-well plates instead of traditional cuvettes, the researcher can transition from a single cuvette to either a 25-well or 96-well electroporation plate by using one simple plate handler. This increases yields and the number of experiments run in a single day. Experiments take seconds to run, allowing for quick and efficient optimisation of the electrical and biological parameters. Once optimised, samples are rapidly processed increasing yields and saving valuable time and money.

Codice catalogo: (BTXI45-0654)
Fornitore: BTX
Codice articolo fornitore: 45-0654
Codice articolo locale: BTXI45-0654
Descrizione: The High Throughput ECM™ 630 system offers a multi-well electroporation technology for processing multiple samples in seconds. Using the HT multi-well plates instead of traditional cuvettes, the researcher can transition from a single cuvette to either 25-well or 96-well electroporation by using one simple plate handler. This increases yields and the number of experimental runs in a single day. Experiments take seconds to run, allowing for quick and efficient optimisation of the electrical and biological parameters. Once optimised, samples are rapidly processed increasing yields and saving valuable time and money.
UOM: 1 * 1 pezzi

Fornitore: BTX
Descrizione: Gemini twin-wave electroporators are flexible systems allowing both square wave and exponential decay wave electroporation in a single unit. These waveform combinations enable researchers to easily and efficiently electroporate eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells in cuvettes or plates with one easy to use set-up. Ideal for all the electroporation needs, including CRISPR, <i>in vivo</i>, <i>in vitro</i>, <i>in ovo</i> and more.

Fornitore: BTX
Descrizione: The ECM™ 830 is a square wave pulse generator designed for in vitro and in vivo electroporation applications. Square wave technology provides the advantage of efficient cell transfer and high cell viability for numerous applications. Applications of the versatile ECM™ 830 for gene, drug and protein delivery include mammalian cells, <i>in vivo</i> and <i>ex vivo</i> tissues, zebrafish tissue and embryos, nuclear transfer, embryo manipulation, plant protoplast and basic bacteria and yeast transformations.

Fornitore: BTX
Descrizione: The ECM 399 system is an economical electroporation system for gram negative bacteria and yeast applications. Ideal for basic transformation in research and academic labs.

Fornitore: BTX
Descrizione: The ECM™ 630 is an exponential decay wave electroporation generator providing a broad range of voltage and time constants for full flexibility in varying applications. The ability to select the resistance and capacitance values and adjust the range of voltages is the key to achieving the optimal time constants and field strengths needed for efficient transformation of prokaryotes and for eukaryote transfection.

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