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Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: G-Biosciences offers several different biotechnology-grade agarose powders. G-Biosciences' Agarose I has low electroendosmosis (EEO) and high electrophoresis mobility. It is suitable for nucleic acid analytical and preparative electrophoresis, blotting, and protein electrophoresis (i.e. radial immunodiffusion).

Fornitore: Merck Millipore (Calbiochem‎)
Descrizione: It is suitable for a wide range of nucleic acid electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis applications.

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Fornitore: G-Biosciences
Descrizione: G-Biosciences offers several different biotechnology-grade agarose powders. Agarose IV is a linear polymer with a very high molecular weight, giving gel structures unlike those of traditional agaroses. This characteristic produces a strong intercatenary interaction, yeilding a gel with very high gel strength and higher exclusion limit.

Fornitore: MP Biomedicals
Descrizione: Agarose is a natural polysaccharide isolated from agar or agar-bearing marine algae. Its physical and chemical properties are particularly suited for use as a gel medium for diffusion and electrokinetic movement of biomolecules. Agarose is essentially biologically inert and forms relatively clear, transparent gels. Agarose based gels offer several advantages: High gel strength permits use of low concentrations. The macroporous nature of the gels allows rapid diffusion of high molecular weight molecules. Agarose is Non-toxic. Agarose gels are thermally reversible facilitating sample recovery. Staining and destaining may be done rapidly with minimal background. Because agarose forms macroporous gels that are electrically nonionic, it is an excellent medium for Isoelectric Focusing (IEF). A selection of different formulated agaroses with specific qualities for unique applications are available from MP.
Multipurpose Agarose is a versatile high gel strength agarose, especially designed for a wide range of molecular biology techniques. It is used for resolution of fragments over a large size range from 200 bp up to 50 kb by conventional electrophoresis. It is suitable for use in pulsed field gel electrophoresis and for blotting assays.
High gel strength agarose, especially designed for a wide range DNA. Versatile – separate fragments from 200 bp up to 50 kb by conventional electrophoresis. Concentrations between 0.4% and 6%. Multipurpose Agarose features the highest gel strength available, allowing 0.4 - 0.5% agarose gels. Significantly decreases electrophoresis times. Improves separation of very large fragments. Dissolves easily in a microwave.

Codice catalogo: (ICNA11AGAR0050)
Fornitore: MP Biomedicals
Codice articolo fornitore: 11AGAR0050
Codice articolo locale: ICNA11AGAR0050
Descrizione: Agarose High Resolution is an intermediate melting agarose with approximately twice the resolution capability of routine agarose. It is a purified linear galactan hydrocolloid isolated from agar or agar-bearing marine algae. It is ideal for the resolution of small DNA fragments in the range 20 bp to 2000 bp.
Agarose high resolution is an intermediate melting and gelling point agarose which exhibits superior sieving characteristics. It is recommended for analytical gels of DNA fragments under 1000 bp and is ideal for small DNA fragments down to 20 bp can be separated on 6 % gels. It resolves fragments differing in size by only 2 bp. Its use avoids the need for PAGE Southern and Northern transfers can be achieved efficiently from them at concentrations up to 2%. DNA fragments can be purified with high efficiency from this agarose gels up to 4% by using either a purification kit or an electroelution system.
UOM: 1 * 50 g

Fornitore: MP Biomedicals
Descrizione: Agarosio per elettroforesi
Codice catalogo: (17-0468-01)
Fornitore: Cytiva
Codice articolo fornitore: 17-0468-01
Codice articolo locale: GEHE17-0468-01
Descrizione: Agarose with low electroendosmosis (EEO) is recommended for most DNA/RNA applications.
UOM: 1 * 10 g

Fornitore: MP Biomedicals
Descrizione: Basic agarose premier is ideal for routine rapid separation of DNA and RNA fragments as well as PCR products, the preparation of plasmids, and for screening, cloning and blotting techniques.

Agarose is a purified linear galactan hydrocolloid isolated from agar or agar-bearing marine algae.

Fornitore: MP Biomedicals
Descrizione: Standard agarose is a purified linear galactan hydrocolloid isolated from agar or agar-bearing marine algae with an Electroendoosmosis (EEO) value of 0.12 making it an essential component in chemical separation techniques.
Standard agarose is a very low electroendosmosis agarose (EEO) which is recommended for sharp resolution of nucleic acid fragments greater than 400 bp and up to 8000 bp. This Standard Agarose may be used at concentrations between 0.8 % and 2 %. Southern and Northern transfers can be performed efficiently from them.

Codice catalogo: (ICNA04800259)
Fornitore: MP Biomedicals
Codice articolo fornitore: 04800259
Codice articolo locale: ICNA04800259
Descrizione: Low gel temperature electroendosmosis: 0,1 gel strength 1,5% solution: ≥550 gm/cm<sup>2</sup> gel temperature (1%): <lt/>30 °C A 1% solution remains fluid at 37 °C for up to 24 hours. Will set to a firm gel at <lt/>25 °C, and not remelt until temperatures exceed 65 °C. This ability to remain in solution at 30 to 37 °C allows a second digest on a restriction enzyme fragment without need to recover it from the gel. Agarose LGT is also preferred for studies of cellular antibody production and the Jerne Plaque assay of immune responses. Also used in agarose droplet macrophage inhibitory factor (MIF) assay.
UOM: 1 * 100 g

Codice catalogo: (17-0554-02)
Fornitore: Cytiva
Codice articolo fornitore: 17-0554-02
Codice articolo locale: GEHE17-0554-02
Descrizione: Agarose NA has been prepared to give the optimal combination of these properties: Reliable separation of nucleic acids; low inhibition of enzyme activity on recovered material; and high gel strength.
UOM: 1 * 100 g

Fornitore: Thermo Scientific
Descrizione: Agarosio, in polvere, puro per biochimica (Mr = - 0.17)
Codice catalogo: (ICNA11AGAL0050)
Fornitore: MP Biomedicals
Codice articolo fornitore: 11AGAL0050
Codice articolo locale: ICNA11AGAL0050
Descrizione: Agarose low melting point is an intermediate melting and gelling point agarose which exhibits superior sieving characteristics. It is recommended for analytical gels of DNA fragments under 1000 bp and is ideal for small DNA fragments down to 20 bp can be separated on 6 % gels. It resolves fragments differing in size by only 2 bp. Its use avoids the need for PAGE Southern and Northern transfers can be achieved efficiently from them at concentrations up to 2%. DNA fragments can be purified with high efficiency from this agarose gels up to 4% by using either a purification kit or an electroelution system.

Agarose Low Melting Point is an intermediate melting agarose with approximately twice the resolution capability of routine agarose. It is a purified linear galactan hydrocolloid isolated from agar or agar-bearing marine algae. It is ideal for the resolution of small DNA fragments in the range 20 bp to 2000 bp.

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UOM: 1 * 50 g

Fornitore: TREVIGEN
Descrizione: Agarosio

Fornitore: MO BIO
Descrizione: Agarosio

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